Aquatic Center gets a spring cleaning

Philip Malan

Affiliates of Sacramento State’s Aquatic Center, in order to give back to the community, helped clean up Lake Natoma Saturday.

Part of the day was spent cleaning out the boat house in the main center and clearing the lake walkways of trash and rocks, said Cindi Dulgar, the youth programs director for the Aquatic Center.

“It has been an annual event in the time that I have worked here,” said Rachael Cowham, a creative writing graduate.

Cowham said most of the people that help with the event are staff members of the Aquatic Center but that high school students and athletes from the Sac State rowing team also help.

“I found out about the event and was intrigued by it, so I decided to come down here and be involved,” Leeann Williams said.

Dulgar said the clean-up is done to beautify the lake and to help prepare for later events.

“(We) get the lake ready for the different events that go on during the end of the spring semester such as sorority and fraternity events,” Dulgar said.

Philip Malan can be reached at [email protected]