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The State Hornet

The student news site of Sacramento State University

The State Hornet

The student news site of Sacramento State University

The State Hornet

Paul Roundtree, Author

All content by Paul Roundtree

Sac State might declare impaction?

Paul Roundtree
May 12, 2010

Bad news everyone: Sacramento State has applied to the California State University chancellor's office for campus-wide impaction, meaning there are more students than the CSU system can handle. As upsetting...

Some people are way too hot to handle

Paul Roundtree
May 5, 2010

The weather is warming up folks; summer is at our throats, which means students will be showing a lot more skin on campus. Now we all like eyeing out a hot pair of assets strutting through the Quad all...

Why can?t political ads just focus on the issues?

Paul Roundtree
April 28, 2010

California's gubernatorial candidates are spending millions on campaigns and publicity. Ironically, the attack advertisements aiming to sway our votes are exactly what I find most unpleasant about politics....

How to keep a relationship

Paul Roundtree
April 21, 2010

Whenever conversations turn to relationship satisfaction, rest assured that a discussion about sex is not far off. The problem with being in a new relationship is, within those first few excited months...

Is it OK to be high at work?

Paul Roundtree
April 13, 2010

Smoking dope at work: it's not just for high school anymore. In fact, many people with medical cannabis recommendations have good reason for ingesting it on the clock. These reasons include nerve pain,...

Global Warming Solutions Act might create more problems for businesses

Paul Roundtree
March 24, 2010

According to the Legislative Analyst's Office, the 2006 Global Warming Solutions Act might have a negative impact on California's jobs. Any action strong enough to force the significant changes we're looking...

Locking up prostitutes will not stop the problem

Paul Roundtree
March 10, 2010

According to a KXTV Channel 10 news story, certain residential neighborhoods near Stockton Boulevard in Oak Park are complaining about prostitutes setting up shop in front of homes in broad daylight and...

Residential advisor: Not your typical job

Paul Roundtree
February 24, 2010

What if you could find a student job that gave you free room and board, valuable people skills and priority registration? It may sound like a pipe-dream, but this is exactly what you get as a Residential...

Get in control of your education

Paul Roundtree
February 18, 2010

Imagine a school bus full of children barreling quickly toward the edge of a cliff. Inside that bus, they scream madly for someone to turn the steering wheel or hit the brakes, but no one takes the initiative...

VIDEO: Getting involved in your education

Paul Roundtree
February 18, 2010

Opinion writer Paul Roundtree gets Sacramento State students discuss their involvement in the political process. The students share their thoughts on how they can affect the quality of their higher education...

Push to get Legislature to give back all it’s taken

Paul Roundtree
February 3, 2010

If one general sentiment has invaded the thoughts and worries of students, faculty and teachers alike, it is that our collective financial butter is spread far too thin.California has had to tighten its...

ASI fills two board member positions

Paul Roundtree
January 28, 2010

The Associated Students, Inc. board of directors elected two board members at the meeting held on Wednesday. Newly elected Director of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Fely Sita-Makaba and Director of...

Improved tax credit offers $2,500 to students, parents

Paul Roundtree
January 27, 2010

A revamped tax credit will now allow students and their parents to receive up to $2,500 this tax season for educational expenses for the first four years of post-secondary education. The American Opportunity...

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