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The State Hornet

The student news site of Sacramento State University

The State Hornet

The student news site of Sacramento State University

The State Hornet

Brittany Bottini, Author

All content by Brittany Bottini

University settles with employee in suit alleging retaliation

Brittany Bottini
April 23, 2010

Sacramento State administration has reached a settlement with a university employee who filed a suit against the university on accounts of retaliation and intentional infliction of emotional distress,...

Students pick community over Cabo

Brittany Bottini
April 7, 2010

While many students spent their spring break south of the border or catching up on studying, a few students turned in their bikinis and board shorts for work boots and gloves to volunteer in the Sacramento...

Littlest Hornets go green

Brittany Bottini
February 17, 2010

Worm poop has been a primary focus of the Associated Students Children's Center at Sacramento State, where the 3- 5-year-olds have been learning to compost. Their efforts to go green began more than a...

DUI suspect?s bail increased, posted

Brittany Bottini
February 10, 2010

The driver who was arrested on suspicion of drunken driving and felony hit-and-run on Jan. 31, had her bail amount increased to $175,000 and was released from custody on Monday. Sacramento State graduate...

Overturned votes addressed in ASI town hall

Brittany Bottini
December 7, 2009

Students questioned ASI's ability to advocate for them against President Alexander Gonzalez's overturning their votes for fee increases last spring at the town hall meeting Thursday afternoon. In the ASI...

‘Thriller’ raises money for CSU Summer Arts

Brittany Bottini
December 3, 2009

Six months after the death of Michael Jackson, the original master recording of his title track "Thriller" will be auctioned off on Dec. 20 to boost scholarships for the California State University Summer...

Be Smart with Body Art campaign comes to campus

Brittany Bottini
November 9, 2009

Needles and ink pots were topics of discussion in the Library Quad Thursday afternoon to alert students about the danger of getting Hepatitis C from tattoo and piercing equipment. Sacramento State and...

Cancer prevention discussed on campus

Brittany Bottini
November 7, 2009

The UC Davis Cancer Center and Sacramento State Partnership Board hosted its fourth annual Community/Campus Collaborative Conference in the Alumni Center on Friday. The conference was called "An Open Space...

Sac State lawsuit investigation continues

Brittany Bottini
October 29, 2009

An investigation conducted by Sacramento State concluded that retired engineering professor Miroslav Markovic created a hostile work environment, in direct violation of the university's harassment policy....

Gonzalez hopes to make college more affordable

Brittany Bottini
October 29, 2009

President Alexander Gonzalez was appointed to the California Student Aid Commission by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger on Oct. 9. As a board member for the commission, Gonzalez will work with 14 other commissioners...

Gonzalez Jr.’s new position raises questions

Brittany Bottini
October 22, 2009

As Sacramento State recently moved Alexander Gonzalez Jr. from his previous fundraising position in the department of advancement to a new job in Public Affairs, some questioned the university's decision,...

Anderson remembered by all as inspiration, motivator

Brittany Bottini
October 22, 2009

Remembered by many as a woman with a radiant smile and inspirational qualities, Wandarah Anderson, associate professor of social work at Sacramento State, died from cancer on Oct. 6. She was 43. A funeral...

Internationally recognized psychology research displayed in conference

Brittany Bottini
October 19, 2009

The research projects of more than three dozen psychology students were on display in the University Union Redwood Room today as part of the 2009 Annual Research Conference. Studies from undergraduate...

Social work professor remembered

Brittany Bottini
October 17, 2009

After an 18-month-long struggle battling cancer, Wandarah Anderson, associate professor of social work at Sacramento State, died on Oct. 6 at age 43. Anderson was born in Brooklyn, N.Y., on Dec. 22, 1965....

Dean Hopkins leaving for Touro

Brittany Bottini
October 7, 2009

After working for Sacramento State for 23 years, Dr. Marilyn Hopkins, dean of the College of Health and Human Services, is leaving to become provost at Touro University-California on Dec. 1. "Marilyn will...

Nursing students sit on the floor during class, while extra equipment is stored in the hallways:

UEI to get $4.2 million

Brittany Bottini
October 1, 2009

Sacramento State gave nearly $5 million to University Enterprises, Inc., to lease and improve a new facility for academic programs, such as nursing, speech pathology and audiology, and physical therapy.

Sac State paid $4.2 million to the nonprofit auxiliary business to lease the former California State Teachers Retirement System building. According to the University Budget Advisory Committee, an additional $600,000 will be spent on renovating the former office space into classrooms, labs and storage rooms.

Marilyn Hopkins, dean of the College of Health and Human Services, said the new building will provide much needed space for these programs.

The nursing department is currently housed in El Dorado Hall.

"It's an absolutely horrid and abominable space. This move is critical because nursing is a large program that needs a new space, whether it is this building or another," Hopkins said. Because of the limited space the El Dorado building offers the nursing program, halls are crowded with gurneys, simulation dummies and other classroom tools.

"Nursing requires extremely important hands-on training," said Amanda Saindon, freshman nursing major. "We need more room to learn and space for our supplies."

The new building, located at 7667 Folsom Blvd., will provide nearly 200,000 square feet of new space for the program. This space will include more labs and will allow the nursing program to expand in size. This expansion will also allow staff and students to offer community medical clinics for the uninsured.

CalSTRS approached the university about purchasing the building in 2007. Since Sac State is unable to purchase real estate on its own, UEI purchased the building for $35.3 million in July 2007 for future use by the university.

After the transaction, CalSTRS leased part of the building from UEI until July when it moved to its new headquarters in West Sacramento. The small remaining portion of the building was leased to University Transportation and Parking Services.

Alfredo Orozco, assistant to the director of UTAPS, said UTAPS has been the only tenant in the building since CalSTRS left in July.

Sac State will be renting the space previously occupied by CalSTRS from UEI. The majority of this building will be used for academic programs.

According to the University Budget Advisory Committee, Sac State has a $9.5 million budget hole for the 2009-10 fiscal year. It also has cut campus spending by more than 6 percent. The university will be paying $400,000 per month to occupy the new building in addition to the cost of renovating the space.

"What you get when you come to Sac State is quality," said Gloria Moraga, associate vice president of Public Affairs. "I know financial times are tough, but President Gonzalez is a builder and he's doing great things for this campus."

Recently appointed UEI Director James Reinhart said the CalSTRS building was acquired at the expense of UEI, not from the university's general fund. Once the mortgage is paid, the building will belong entirely to Sac State.

UEI is currently facing budget problems of its own. It reported an $8.79 million shortfall in projected revenue for the 2008-09 fiscal year, which ended June 30.

Along with property investments, UEI operates the campus bookstore, copy and food services and assists with student employment services through state agencies. UEI saw shortfalls in revenue in every area. Reinhart said he expects future student enrollment cuts to affect UEI even more.

"The cut will have a ripple effect across all levels," Reinhart said.

In spite of the budget cutbacks everyone is experiencing, the campus is still trying to do its best to improve the quality of education students are given, Moraga said.

Brittany Bottini can be reached at [email protected].

Possible pay freezes coming

Brittany Bottini
September 24, 2009

Pay raises during bad budget years may no longer be offered to California State University and University of California executives if Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger approves Senate Bill 86. SB 86, which was...

Asi greets students in library quad

Brittany Bottini
September 19, 2009

ASI hosted its "Day in the Quad" in the library quad in honor of Constitution Week. Terry Martin, vice president of finance at ASI, said the purpose of the event was to spread the word of ASI to students...

Japanese internment camp experience spoken

Brittany Bottini
September 13, 2009

At age five, Marielle Tsukamoto and her family were forced to leave their farm in Florin, Calif. to live in an internment camp following the attacks on Pearl Harbor in 1941. She told her story to an packed...

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