DUI suspect?s bail increased, posted

Brittany Bottini

The driver who was arrested on suspicion of drunken driving and felony hit-and-run on Jan. 31, had her bail amount increased to $175,000 and was released from custody on Monday.

Sacramento State graduate student Sanjay Patel was identified as the victim of the crash on Folsom Boulevard near the south side of campus. Patel was taken to the UC Davis Medical Center immediately after the crash and is now in fair condition.

The driver, Amira Fakira, is being charged with four felony charges, including two counts of driving under the influence and two counts of hit-and-run where a person is injured. Fakira was also charged with two misdemeanors for hit-and-run where property is damaged and a dangerous drug offense.

Patel, an international electrical engineering graduate student, was riding his bicycle when the suspected driver allegedly weaved across two lanes of traffic into the bike lane, hitting Patel and dragging him a quarter mile.

“The guy was under the vehicle. He was looking back, his bike split in half. He couldn’t do anything,” said Johnathan Hobson, a bystander who stopped Fakira at a red light by reaching in an open window and grabbing her keys.

Hobson and his wife, Lupe Zavala, received a certificate of commendation Feb. 3 at the California Highway Patrol area office in Rancho Cordova, according to News 10.

“I thought he was dead,” Zavala said of the accident scene. “He wasn’t moving. I came closer and I heard him trying to talk.”

Preetham Kumar, interim graduate coordinator of the engineering department, visited Patel at the hospital last week. He said Patel has already had back surgery and will be undergoing surgery on one of his legs.

“We were very happy he was able to make it,” Kumar said. “I was really shocked. The nature of the accident was pretty bad.”

Kumar said Patel’s family in India were notified of the accident by the Office of Global Education at Sac State. Some of his family members are expected to visit him soon.

The next hearing for Fakira will be on March 15 the Sacramento County Courthouse.

Brittany Bottini can be reached at [email protected].

Timothy Sandoval,Kristine Guerra and David Loret de Mola contributed to this report.