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The State Hornet

The student news site of Sacramento State University

The State Hornet

The student news site of Sacramento State University

The State Hornet

Gamaliel Ortiz, Author

All content by Gamaliel Ortiz

Reported rape at UOP draws attention to prevention programs

Gamaliel Ortiz
March 2, 2009

Recently, Nicholas Craig Robertson, a student at the University of Pacific in Stockton was arrested and then released on bail after allegedly raping a woman in his fraternity house. This alleged incident...

Video: Volunteers talk about drinking and driving

Gamaliel Ortiz
March 26, 2008

It's Saturday night and while loads of students made good on their St. Patrick's Day plans, a group of 12 students gathered in the University Union. The group is well aware of the dire consequence of drinking...

Female student shot in Davis motel

Gamaliel Ortiz
November 20, 2007

A 19-year-old Sacramento State student was meeting an acquaintance at Motel 6 in South Davis over the weekend when she was unexpectedly confronted by her ex-boyfriend, according to police reports. The...

Police: Woman shot identified as Sac State student

Gamaliel Ortiz
November 14, 2007

An unidentified 19-year-old woman who was allegedly shot multiple times by her ex-boyfriend over the weekend is a Sacramento State student, confirmed Davis Police Department Sgt. Scott Smith. The woman...

Police make arrest in student shooting, death

Gamaliel Ortiz
May 15, 2007

Sacramento Police arrested David Allen Falls late Thursday in the connection to the fatal shooting of Sacramento State student Kebret Tekle. Police Officer Michelle Lazark said that the arrest of Falls,...

CFA, CSU agree to 10-day contract

Gamaliel Ortiz
April 5, 2007

UPDATED 3:25 P.M. The California State University and the California Faculty Association announced Sunday that they agreed to a 10-day contract extension in order to possibly settle on a new contract by...


Union OKs strike authorization

Gamaliel Ortiz
March 31, 2007

UPDATED: 7:02 p.m., Mar. 21 California Faculty Association members sent out a strong message today by overwhelmingly voting in favor of a strike authorization. Kevin Wehr, assistant sociology professor,...

Gonzalez addresses possible faculty strikes

Gamaliel Ortiz
February 2, 2007

Just days after California Faculty Association members demonstrated their dissatisfaction over contractual issues and announced they would consider a strike as they marched through the campus - and through...


Gonzalez’s speech outlines Sac State’s accomplishments, challenges

Gamaliel Ortiz
January 29, 2007

As California Faculty Association affiliates assembled inside a packed University Union Ballroom in a quiet protest, President Alexander Gonzalez delivered his spring address today, outlining some of Sacramento...

CSU approves $10,000 raise for Gonzalez

Gamaliel Ortiz
January 29, 2007

Twenty-eight of the highest-paid administrators, including Sacramento State President Alexander Gonzalez, will receive a 4 percent raise, the CSU Board of Trustees office said today. The approval came...

Speaker to discuss relationships between blacks and Latinos

Gamaliel Ortiz
January 7, 2007

Harvard Law School graduate Nicolas C. Vaca will discuss his book, "The Presumed Alliance," in a lecture campus community on Thursday ?" the event is hosted by the Serna Center. In his novel, Vaca, an...

Controversy follows KRS-One

Gamaliel Ortiz
January 7, 2007

The University Union has booked a controversial artist to perform, and it's not the first time. This time it is hip-hop artist KRS-One, who made some critical comments regarding the Sept. 11 terrorist...

Gonzalez moves ahead with ‘University Village’

Gamaliel Ortiz
January 7, 2007

Juvenile delinquents have moved out, and Sacramento State faculty and staff are about to move in. Well ... kind of. Although Sacramento State President Alexander Gonzalez said the university has an exciting...

Fire walking, dog training: Sounds like something good

Gamaliel Ortiz
January 7, 2007

Who wants to shout "Kazaam!" just before pulling a rabbit from a skullcap? Who wants to construct a giant turtle from paper intricately folded into dozens? Who wants to get down with their hip-hop skills?The...

Gonzalez outlines plans for destination campus that will include ‘university village’

Gamaliel Ortiz
January 7, 2007

Sacramento State President Alexander Gonzalez's address on Thursday in the University Ballroom was filled with praise for faculty and staff members, and called everyone at Sac State to "live up to their...

Students upset by lack of cleanliness on weight room floor

Gamaliel Ortiz
January 7, 2007

Students are saying that the floor of room 107 in Yosemite hall, used for weight training classes, isn't even clean enough to eat off of, these days.The room has been left uncleaned, because after its...

Union power outage freezes ATMs

Gamaliel Ortiz
January 7, 2007

A brief 10-minute power outage hit the University Union Friday morning, darkening part of the building and freezing two ATM machines in the middle of transactions. A second outage is planned for the afternoon....

Future of health center awaits vote

Gamaliel Ortiz
January 7, 2007

On April 19 and 20 Sacramento State students will decide if they want a $27 fee increase to maintain the quality of campus health services because "money is running out," said Student Health Center Director...

Summer Issue: Campus parking costly, but mostly frustrating

Gamaliel Ortiz
January 7, 2007

When you most need a parking spot - like when you're minutes away from a midterm - the chances of finding one are about as good as your professor canceling the test. Parking always seems scarce at Sacramento...

Report: 29 cases of auto theft in 2003

Gamaliel Ortiz
January 7, 2007

Car thefts in Sacramento State parking lots this year have lefta hefty tab of $159,000 with victims, according to universitypolice. The report, which outlines all reported parking lot crimes sinceJanuary,...

Women leaders to mentor Sac State students

Gamaliel Ortiz
January 7, 2007

Women leaders from the community will meet to mentor other women from Sacramento State in a conference on Friday. Communication Professor Barbara O'Connor will be the keynote speaker because of her strong...

New Middle East and Islamic studies program part of CSU trend

Gamaliel Ortiz
January 7, 2007

Alma Sheykhani's father didn't want to expose her to Islam.For more than 17 years, Hasen Sheykhani served as a journalist in Iran before speaking out against its government and being put behind bars. The...

Access sweeps election with little opposition

Gamaliel Ortiz
January 7, 2007

The 2005 Associated Students Inc. election was all-Access. Angel Barajas, the newly elected ASI president, as well as ASI's executive vice president and vice presidents of finance and university affairs...

More than 52 companies look for student employees

Gamaliel Ortiz
January 7, 2007

From the Internal Revenue Service to Parrot Cellular, the Career Fair provided various career opportunities for students to consider on Wednesday and Thursday in the Union ballroom. More than 52 different...

What’s in a name? Lots of money

Gamaliel Ortiz
January 7, 2007

Private money donations ?" partly through naming rights ?" are vital to the completion of a campus arena, President Alexander Gonzalez announced last month. Although the university's athletic facility...

Officers not able to stop lot vandalism

Gamaliel Ortiz
January 7, 2007

Ten different offenses of grand theft auto have occurred thissemester on campus, which puts the loss at nearly $46,000,according to a report from the University Police. Ranging from $80 to $2,200 each,...

Committee seeks arena architect

Gamaliel Ortiz
January 7, 2007

The proposed $73 million Recreation, Wellness and Events Center is steadily making its way to the finish line. On Monday a committee called Request for Qualification reviewed various architects' makeup...

Library looks to expand service beyond books and periodicals

Gamaliel Ortiz
January 7, 2007

Coffee, scones and books: Barnes and Noble has it, so does Borders, and it works. And now Sacramento State officials want the campus library to add an eatery, and modify "library etiquette," in hopes of...

University secures $25 million for Recreation Center, arena projects

Gamaliel Ortiz
January 7, 2007

President Alexander Gonzalez reached his goal of raising more than $25 million to begin the first phase of the Recreation, Wellness, Events Center and Sports Complex, announced Associated Students, Inc....

Classes less crowded for spring

Gamaliel Ortiz
January 7, 2007

Student Yen Tran doesn't really like online courses. There is no human element, she said. "The computer is very specific with everything, I didn't like it," Tran said. "I even put that in my survey." Tran,...

Activist inspires community

Gamaliel Ortiz
January 7, 2007

Si se puede -- it can be done. Cesar Chavez lived by those words, working hard for what he had and fighting persistently for what he believed was right. And for that, his legacy is celebrated. On Thursday,...

Stipends could be provided to faculty

Gamaliel Ortiz
January 7, 2007

President Alexander Gonzalez provided a short-term solution that could give up to 146 instructors stipends to supplement their salaries, buying junior faculty and the collective bargaining process some...

Flooding in community will affect everyone, safety specialist says

Gamaliel Ortiz
January 7, 2007

Sacramento State will host the first city meeting regarding the risk of flooding throughout the central state since Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger declared a state of emergency, said Kirkland Stout, occupational...

RWEC cost hiked by $17 million

Gamaliel Ortiz
January 7, 2007

The Recreation, Wellness and Events Center might cost $17 million more than initially planned, but students will not pay for the difference, according to some committee members in charge of the massive...

Assault suspects are still at large

Gamaliel Ortiz
January 7, 2007

A woman was sexually assaulted Oct. 29 after accepting a fakejob offer from a male and female couple, University Policesaid. The assault occurred both on and off campus, beginning in Lot2. After being...

CSU budget may increase

Gamaliel Ortiz
January 7, 2007

Looks like Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger will keep his promise to students. A 4.4 percent increase 8211; $211.7 million 8211; to the California State University system is proposed in Schwarzenegger&s 2005-06...

New textbooks more expensive than ever

Gamaliel Ortiz
January 7, 2007

After paying for tuition, parking and new clothes for the schoolyear, Sacramento State students experience a drained checkingaccount. Then comes another big hit to the pocketbook:textbooks. Each year,...

Gonzales: Academics key to campus plans

Gamaliel Ortiz
January 7, 2007

Sacramento State President Alexander Gonzalez made one thing clear in his address to the campus Wednesday: Academics are the cornerstone of Destination 2010. "Strong academics is the key to making our...

Group elects Gonzalez to top position

Gamaliel Ortiz
January 7, 2007

Alexander Gonzalez has another seat to fill. Along with being Sacramento State's president, Gonzalez has been appointed chairman of the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities, a leading advocacy...

State law requires sexual harassment training

Gamaliel Ortiz
January 7, 2007

Hundreds of Sacramento State's decision-making staff will be trained and educated on how to muddle through sexual harassment incidences. A state law signed by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger requires all state...

Flood damage closes union restaurants

Gamaliel Ortiz
January 7, 2007

"I'm not walking to Taco Bell," one student yelled out in the University Union, a statement that explains the overall problem most students are dealing with today as the union food court closed down as...

Sac State reflects on academics, campus life

Gamaliel Ortiz
January 7, 2007

In certifying its status as an accredited university, Sacramento State is in the second phase of the three-phased reaccreditation process through the Western Association of Schools and Colleges. If Sac...

RWEC cost increases to $120 million

Gamaliel Ortiz
January 7, 2007

Sacramento State's planned Recreation, Wellness and Events Center has two new elements: a new football stadium for the Hornets and a price increase of about $50 million from its first estimates, Sac State...

Shots fired inside student apartment complex

Gamaliel Ortiz
January 7, 2007

Two separate incidences of fired shots disrupted The Verge on the evenings of May 2 and 3, said Janine Hunter, director of community operations for The Verge. "Right now it is under investigation and we...

Status of program director debated

Gamaliel Ortiz
January 7, 2007

As Sacramento State administrators and faculty begin to envision how the new doctorate of education program will take shape, confusion has developed among faculty over who will be the program's first director....

If you build it, Sac State will, too

Gamaliel Ortiz
January 7, 2007

The people of Davis needed an ARC, and it was built -- and it is good. "It's wildly popular," Brett Burns, interim Activities and Recreation Center director, said. "No one expected it to be quite like...

Stadium upgrade in works

Gamaliel Ortiz
January 7, 2007

A new Hornet stadium will be thrown into the mix, along with other amenities planned for the Recreation, Wellness and Events Center, campus spokesman Frank Whitlatch said. Whitlatch said the stadium could...

Rwanda leader speaks

Gamaliel Ortiz
January 7, 2007

Rwandan President Paul Kagame came to Sacramento State Thursday to speak about the progress of his nation that was torn after a massive genocide. Kagame called the genocide "the most brutal and fastest...

Aim of CSU program is parental support

Gamaliel Ortiz
January 7, 2007

Seven years ago, Blanca Albarado took a class in Modesto because she never wanted to stop learning. She didn't take the class for herself; she already had a degree in psychology from a university in Mexico....

Libertarian candidate for U.S. Senate visits campus

Gamaliel Ortiz
January 7, 2007

In an effort to provide Sacramento State students with an alternative political perspective, the Progressive Students Union invited Libertarian U.S. Senate candidate Jim Gray to campus Oct. 20. "I think...

Gonzalez reaffirms academics are key goals for Destination 2010

Gamaliel Ortiz
January 7, 2007

Sacramento State President Alexander Gonzalez made one thing clear in his address to the campus community Wednesday: Academics are the cornerstone of Destination 2010. In his third spring address, Gonzalez...

RWEC architect selected

Gamaliel Ortiz
January 7, 2007

Sacramento State president Alexander Gonzalez has selected the Recreation, Wellness and Events Center architect by extending an "intent to award" to Ellerbe Becket, University Union Director Leslie Davis...

Campus gets 1st doctoral program

Gamaliel Ortiz
January 7, 2007

Sacramento State is one of seven California State University campuses that will independently offer a doctorate of education for the first time beginning in the fall of 2007, thanks to a new California...

Union damage exceeds $400k

Gamaliel Ortiz
January 7, 2007

The brief but powerful thunderstorm that hit and created a big mess at Sacramento State, particularly in the University Union, Library and other halls on Sept. 19 may be more costly than first thought,...

Campus club targets homes for remodel

Gamaliel Ortiz
January 7, 2007

A motorist doing doughnuts mowed down Hillary Finuf's fence in July 1999 after she came home one afternoon. Her lawn was patchy. Her driveway was cracked and the color of her Oak Park home was fading with...

Immigrant protesters say message was heard

Gamaliel Ortiz
January 7, 2007

Although more than a week has passed since demonstrators marched nationwide in support of immigrants, debate over the controversial bill and effects of the demonstrations linger. Sacramento State senior...

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