Gonzalez reaffirms academics are key goals for Destination 2010

Gamaliel Ortiz

Sacramento State President Alexander Gonzalez made one thing clear in his address to the campus community Wednesday: Academics are the cornerstone of Destination 2010.

In his third spring address, Gonzalez said “strong academics is the key to making our campus goals a reality.

“Universities earn reputations as destination campuses because they are strong academically and they make student welfare and student success a top priority,” he said.

In his speech, Gonzalez made no announcement of any new funding for facilities, such as the Recreation and Wellness Center, but said that his $25 million threshold he promised to raise is within reach.

Gonzalez said that plans for a new field house, for which the Eli and Edythe Foundation have pledged $2 million last fall, are on track.

Carole Hayashino, vice president of university advancement said only that fundraising for the RWEC is “going very, very well.”

Said Gonzalez: “During the past year or so, I have had to focus more on that part of Destination 2010 that relates to the physical development of the campus.”

With the physical element plans in place, Gonzalez said it is now crucial to put academics on the front burner.

Hayashino said that since Gonzalez arrived, she has taken great pride on improving academics, which was his focus of the speech. “I think he has always been focused on academics and I think that there has always been that integration (of academics and facilities),” Hayashino said.

“But when he arrived the immediate need was the issue of facilities,” Hayashino said.”Our facilities master plan needs to be tied to our educational master plan, and that’s what it’s all about.”

Gonzalez mentioned Destination 2010 is about engendering academic and student programs, improve facilities, create a vibrant physical environment and get community support. He said there are numerous plans underway to help better academics at Sac State. Some include: the WASC accreditation process, a new Strategic Planning Council and a new Academic Strategic Plan.

That plan hopes to excel academic preparation, recruitment and graduation rates; develop technology skills; enhance teaching through supporting staff professional development including work and salary equity issues, are just some of the plans, Gonzalez said.

Gonzalez also mentioned plans for a future campus in Placer.

The efforts to improve academics, Gonzalez said, are efforts that will have “a major impact on decades to come.”

Hayashino said she appreciates the president’s visions for Sacramento State and “tying them together with the goals of Destination 2010. And reminding us that we are here to build community support, we are here improving the facilities for the students and the faculty. That is our purpose.”

Gamaliel Ortiz can be reached at [email protected]

Related Sites:

Click for text of Gonzalez’ speech

Click to watch Gonzalez’ speech