Cheesy, gooey mac and cheese has always been one of my favorite foods and a traditional birthday dinner, whether it is fried in bite-sized balls, baked with breadcrumbs or traditionally cooked in a pot....
Burgers and fries are popular dishes during summer’s barbecue season, so spice up the traditional side of fries with a creative variety of flavorful toppings. You can add a twist to a side of fries with...
Popular in Mexico, agua fresca is a chilled and a lightly sweetened juice that is refreshing as the summer heat is approaching. I like to make this beverage because buying a juicer can be expensive, I...
Chocolate-covered bananas are inexpensive, easy-to-make and great for summer barbecues by the pool. According to the Chiquita Bananas website, this fruit is high in fiber, loaded with potassium and healthy...
One of the simplest and most unusual chocolate cakes I’ve discovered interested me because the recipe calls for an odd combination of chocolate and garbanzo beans. This moist, semi-sweet cake is dense...
I haven’t had a Pop-Tart in years, but homemade heart-designed tarts filled with rich and chocolaty Nutella spread - topped with a fresh strawberries - sounded like an adult version of my favorite childhood...
A French galette is a buttery, golden brown pastry topped with fruit - anything from berries to apples - and is usually served as a lighter dessert or an indulgent breakfast. The orange-flavored dough...
Zucchini and avocado pasta is a raw dish that uses squash instead of flour for traditional noodles, making it both gluten-free and vegan. A garlicky, creamy avocado sauce, sprinkled with salt and pepper,...
Elvis Presley’s appetite for fried peanut butter and banana sandwiches may have been what he was talking about when he sang “Big Hunk O’ Love.” This grilled twist of the classic peanut butter sandwich...
Feeling guilty about my love for carbohydrates before this summer season has led me to feed my cravings with organic, low calorie paleo bread. The trending paleo diet consists of eating nuts, fruits, vegetables...
Grits are a versatile food-their mild taste and soft texture deftly serve as a vehicle for proteins and mix-ins, which elevate grits from ordinary to divine. Shrimp and grits is a traditional Southern...
After many hours in the warm sun and intense betting on the racehorses, Kentucky Derby fans refresh themselves at the races with the popular whiskey beverage called the Mint Julep. In only two days, the...
Easter excitement includes children hunting for Easter eggs and many kids stuffing themselves full of eggy sweets and appetizers - such as deviled eggs - before dinner is ready. Deviled eggs are both an...
A hearty breakfast is the best incentive to get me out of my warm bed when I have a date with school in those painfully early hours. When I have time, I enjoy waking up to a hot cup of coffee and a yogurt,...
I have heard the common saying, “coffee makes the world go around,” but in my opinion, coffee-flavored dessert makes my world go around. Those like myself, who also go crazy for fluffy cheesecake,...
There is nothing not to love about pizza; It tastes good hot or cold, for breakfast or dinner, or to satisfy drunk munchies. My mouth waters at the thought of that first bite of cheesy, greasy pie-shaped...
Egg in a basket is an easy-to-make breakfast dish and is great for those who are in a hurry in the morning. This dish, which was featured in the 2005 film “V for Vendetta,” is a slice of fried bread...
Quentin Tarantino does it again. By rewriting history in his revenge film “Django Unchained,” he takes us through the heinous horrors of slavery in the Deep South, in the most vivid, brutal and artistic...
A strong French presence in this year’s nominated films, “Les Miserables” and “Amour” made me think of recipes to enhance the enjoyment of my Oscar partygoers. Popular in France, Soupe a Loignon,...
A small, mellow pub called Bonn Lair is tucked in the heart of midtown; its slogan is “Bringing a taste of Europe to Sacramento.” This restaurant and bar attracts a younger crowd of people through...
A sweet and salty combination is always a hit, whether it is trail mix or salted hot chocolate. In spirit of Valentine’s Day, make a tasty, savory homemade snack called pretzel buttons. These pretzel...
With Super Bowl Sunday just around the corner, it’s time to start thinking about those tasty finger-licking snacks that’ll keep your guests satisfied at your party. Here are three simple and delicious...