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The State Hornet

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The student news site of Sacramento State University

The State Hornet

The student news site of Sacramento State University

The State Hornet

Student news without fear or favor

The Buzz Ep. #3: ‘Atomic Habits’ and big achievements

Brionna Woody
Graphic created in Canva by Brionna Woody

In this episode of The Buzz, podcast staffers Wan-Ling Yang and Aliza Imran talk about the 2019 TikTok sensation, the self-help book “Atomic Habits.” They explore the methods that the author James Clear uses to teach new and healthy habits to build on.

They talk about the challenges they faced in establishing and maintaining habits, such as learning the guitar, exercising and studying. They also reflected on their time at Sac State and the things they want to do in the future.
RELATED: The Buzz Ep. #2: When Swifties and BTS fandoms collide
The Buzz provides a unique Sac State student perspective to global trends and pop culture within movies, music and art. So, buckle up and join this dynamic podcast in a global exploration of pop culture trends.

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About the Contributors
Wan-Ling Yang
Wan-Ling Yang, Podcast Staffer
(she/her) Wan-Ling Yang is a third-year student majoring in communication studies. She is an exchange student from Taiwan. This is her first semester at The State Hornet. She is very interested in radio broadcasting and is excited to be joining the podcast team.
Aliza Imran
Aliza Imran, Podcast Staffer
(she/her) Aliza Imran is a 2nd year journalism major. She is an exchange student from Oxford, England. This is her second semester at The State Hornet is and is excited to return to the podcast team.
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