A comprehensive timeline of antisemitism on Sacramento State’s Campus

Gavin Hudson and Chris Woodard

In a video from The State Hornet, anchors Chris Woodard and Gavin Hudson provide a comprehensive breakdown of antisemitism on Sacramento State’s campus over the last five years. 

This video expands on Chris Woodard’s coverage for The State Hornet website seen here

Dating back to 2017, incidents from neo-Nazi websites to Nazi symbols dropped by a drone has occurred on campus. 

No arrests have been made by Sacramento State PD, but officials said they are scrubbing through all footage to find any culprits.

As of Monday, four articles of Nazi-affiliated hate speech have been found this semester. 

The State Hornet has interviewed President Nelsen, Israli-Jewish Association Club President Shelly Zelesniak and a number of students about the symbols popping up around campus.

With many feeling their safety is impeded upon by these happenings, officials at the school have begun planning a town hall slated for Nov. 9. 

At the event, students and faculty will have an opportunity to express their concerns to Sac State officials.

Local news outlets and the public  are also invited to view the discourse. 


Image Credits: 

The State Hornet

Nick Fortna

Dominic Vitiello

Santa Clara Police Department Via KCRA 3