Student loans loom despite pause extension, ‘Breaking out of the Box’ seminar and more: STATE HORNET PODCAST
(L-R) Alec Tong and Gilbert-O’Neil stand beside Lassen Hall sign on Thursday, April 14, 2022. Lassen Hall houses the financial aid and wellness wing of Sac State. Tong and Gilbert-O’Neil are planning a rally at the capitol building to advocate for student loan forgiveness. (Photo by Jack Freeman. Graphic made in Canva by Mack Ervin III)
April 22, 2022
Podcast editor Mack Ervin III hosts this week’s edition of The State Hornet Podcast and breaks down the latest news and headlines from the newsroom.
Major headlines for this week include student reaction to the Biden Administration extending the pause on federal student loan repayment, the “Breaking out of the Box” seminar on toxic masculinity, a profile on the women’s rowing head coach of 20 years, and the return of Best of Sac State and Trivia Night.
Music: Acid Jazz by Kevin Macleod
Show Notes:
Ready or not, students must start paying back loans in 3 months
Who said real men don’t cry? Seminar aims to break toxic masculinity
Power 20! Women’s rowing coach welcomes 20th season with Sac State