Sac State computer science associate professor ‘held by the shoulders and escorted’ from Calaveras Hall
Weide Chang on leave, university says
Note left on door of computer science associate professor’s Weide Chang office in Riverside Hall, alerting students of his leave of absence. The university said he was intercepted on his way to class Wednesday, Feb 19.
February 20, 2020
Sacramento State computer science associate professor Weide Chang is on leave after being escorted out by two men on his way to class Wednesday, sources said.
“Wednesday afternoon a faculty member was intercepted on the way to teach a scheduled class, which was subsequently canceled,” Sac State Public Information Officer Anita Fitzhugh said in an email regarding Chang’s leave.
Fitzhugh said the department is in the process of finding a finalized solution to continue class instruction.
“The statement is all that can be provided due to confidentiality laws,” Fitzhugh said when asked to confirm the reason behind Chang’s leave.
A sign is currently posted to Chang’s door reading, “Professor Weide Chang is on leave of absence. Additional information is available at the Computer Science Department office.”
Story continues below Instagram post.
Sac State computer science major Kaleb Bello said he was walking behind Chang into Calaveras Hall — where the CSC137 class is located — when he saw two men waiting for the associate professor.
“They kind of just held him by the shoulders and escorted him down the hall,” Bello said.
He said he then went to class, where other students were already waiting for class to begin.
“The department chair comes in and says that (Chang) will no longer be teaching and that we have to stand by,” Bello said.
A Sac State student also posted on the CSUS subreddit that his professor was taken out of class suddenly on Wednesday and that the class was told Chang would no longer be their professor.
“Weird experience today, my computer science professor got escorted away and our department chair came and said we no longer have a professor for this class,” the student wrote in the post.
Students commenting below the original Reddit post said they were under the impression this associate professor was Chang.
Story continues below Reddit post.
Professor escorted away from class and no longer be teaching at the university from r/CSUS
Administrative Support Coordinator Veronica Pruitt in the College of Engineering and Computer Science sent out an email addressing the incident on Thursday at 8:34 a.m,
Story continues below screenshot.

“All sections of CSC/CPE 159 are canceled for (Thursday). Please keep an eye on your emails for further communication. We apologize for the inconvenience,” the email said.
Chang was the only professor teaching those class sections.
Lorenzo Smith, the dean of the College of Engineering and Computer Science, also confirmed that Chang is on leave.
Further information was provided through the Associate Dean of the College of Engineering and Computer Science, Kevan Shafizadeh, for students concerned about their credit.
Shafizadeh said it is in the students’ best interest to stay in the class, as they will be replacing Chang. If students wish to drop the class, he said, the university will extend the withdrawal deadline so students will not receive a “W” on their transcript.
An anonymous student in a Sac State engineering and computer science Discord chat told The State Hornet that students planned to “camp outside” the engineering and computer science office on the second floor of Riverside Hall to protest the lack of transparency regarding Chang’s leave.
Story continues below screenshot.

They ultimately decided not to camp out after receiving satisfactory information through the engineering and computer science office, the anonymous source said.
Chang did not respond to multiple requests for comment.
Additional reporting by Margherita Beale, Vince Castellana, Kendra Rivera-Molina and Brooke Uhlenhop.
CORRECTION: Thursday, Feb. 20, 2020.
A previous version of the story incorrectly identified the building the assistant professor was Alpine Hall. The building he was escorted out of was Calaveras Hall.
Irene • Feb 27, 2020 at 2:58 pm
He’s still walking around campus. Repeat: HE’S STILL WALKING AROUND CAMPUS. If they kicked him off campus, it didn’t work because HE CAME BACK OR ELSE HE’S BREAKING THE LAW. Someone SAW HIM and i’m including a link below as proof. He was in EUREKA HALL.
Bill Poser • Feb 26, 2020 at 6:51 pm
If he is suspected of industrial espionage, you’d expect him to be arrested by the FBI, not removed from class by university staff and staying in his home. This sounds more like a situation where the university thinks that there is an immediate problem with him being on campus: making threats, sexual harassment, something like that.
Kylie Erin Robison • Feb 25, 2020 at 3:04 pm
@Bully916 We’re truly sorry to hear that. If you’d like to go on the record and share your experience with Chang, please email [email protected] or message @kylie_r0bison & @madeleinebeck_ on Twitter.
Eddie Bravo • Feb 25, 2020 at 2:10 pm
Thanks for the link, Margherita. Admin and a prof would probably all go somewhere willingly otherwise there’d be a different sort of escort. I hope they didn’t have to be the bearers of some real bad news for the sake of him and his family..
Eddie Bravo • Feb 25, 2020 at 1:38 pm
The one thing I would have appreciated reading was left out – descriptions of the two who marched him away holding his shoulders. Did they look like students, university officials, detectives, men in black? Certainly the detail would lead to more speculation, but I love a good conspiracy theory
Margherita Beale • Feb 25, 2020 at 1:45 pm
Hi Eddie! Here’s an update on who the men were, published Monday:
Louie • Feb 24, 2020 at 6:31 pm
Taking bets on IP theft/working for Chinese government
Bully916 • Feb 24, 2020 at 4:11 pm
Not surprised I reported this teacher many years ago for very weird behavior. Nothing was done.
James Raia • Feb 22, 2020 at 5:15 pm
The article is written with the information provided by CSUS officials. The Hornet is a student newspaper and should never be compared the WSJ. Constructive criticism is how all of us learn, not by nasty, unprofessional comments that do nothing but display anger. Shame on you, CSUSChang.
John • Feb 21, 2020 at 7:48 pm
These two men who escorted him out, were they wearing black suits, dark sunglasses, and carrying a silver cigar-sized object emitting a bright flash of light?
Walter Yost • Feb 21, 2020 at 4:52 pm
I got the professor’s name wrong in above post – it’s Chang.
Walter Yost • Feb 21, 2020 at 4:48 pm
This story demands more investigative reporting. We are all left wondering who escorted Prof. Wang out of class and why was he removed? So far, judging by State Hornet reporting, campus officials are keeping everyone in the dark, making this story sound more sinister than it possibly is.
Eddie • Feb 21, 2020 at 8:45 am
I’m thinking he was working with a foreign government. People don’t get escorted out like that.
Csuschang • Feb 20, 2020 at 8:40 pm
A whole entire article based on one fact that a professor was escorted and the rest based on speculation. Seriously, what kind of journalism is this? Tabloids like this is trash at best. WSJ is free for students at CSUS, I highly recommend writers to take note.
Evelyn • Feb 20, 2020 at 5:53 pm
Wow, your guys’ articles are so well written, thank you for sharing the info in such an informative and interesting way so quickly ♥️