Letter to the editor: Sac State needs to provide access to medical abortions

Sami Soto – The State Hornet

Student Health and Counseling Services at The WELL offers many services to students. If SB 24 is passed, all health centers at CSU and UC campuses would be required to offer medical abortions.

Sean South

President Nelsen:

Sacramento State has the opportunity to show leadership in the area of women’s rights. Senate Bill 320 would have mandated that our Student Health Center would provide access to medical abortions, but the bill was vetoed by our short-sided Governor.  

This veto gives our campus a chance to lead all California State Universities and UC’s in providing access to this vital women’s healthcare service.

The fundamental right to abortion is only a reality if all women, including the students of Sac State, have access to this essential health care service.  The reality is that many of our students lack health care coverage and more lack the ability to access these services in the community. You have the power to directly address this by creating a new access point available on our campus.

This action would also send a clear message that the Sac State community strongly supports the rights of our female students and the president of Sac State is committed to expanding these rights on our campus.

I commit to you that if we take this bold step together as a community, I will work with your administration to ensure that outside funding provides for the equipment and training that is necessary to make this a reality of our campus.

I urge you, President Nelsen, to protect the rights of our female students by expanding access to this vital service. Thank you.

Sean South

Sac State Graduate Student