OPINION: Awful Snapchat update destroys app

Kameron Schmid - The State Hornet

Snapchat updated its look in December 2017. In the new design, stories have been replaced with a ‘discover’ tab that displays featured and sponsored content.

Robby Sanchez

My social media world was rocked when Snapchat decided to update its entire app layout, immediately receiving heavy backlash from most users — myself included.

The update is terribly structured and the exact opposite of user-friendly. Many of the functions from the “old Snapchat” were replaced with horrendous, confusing ones. Many muscle memory movements, such as swiping left to view stories, were removed without warning.

The left of the camera used to be just for our chats. Now, for some crazy reason, our stories are also included on the left side. This leaves the side left of the camera far too cluttered and confusing to navigate.

The worst part? Stories are no longer in chronological order, they are sorted by this “Best Friend Algorithm.”

Snapchat uses this algorithm to sort your friends and stories based on how often you communicate with them. This is an attempt to, as Snapchat stated on its introduction of the update, stop us from “scrolling endlessly through our Chats to find the right person — now your Friends will be listed in the order that you want to talk to them.”

Who does Snapchat think it is trying to tell me who I want to talk to? To hell with the algorithm!

Also, to view a story I must tap on the circular preview. I can no longer tap on the grey area next to the preview like we were able to do in the last layout. C’mon Snapchat; sometimes my thumb just can’t reach that extra centimeter or two!

The Discover page — you know, those mainstream media snaps that no one looks at — took over the spot where our stories used to be. An area rarely visited by most users now occupies the entire right side of the camera. Now that the Discover page stole the space that rightfully belongs to our snap stories, my hate for this part of Snapchat has grown immensely.

Anyone else scroll back and forth aimlessly wondering how the hell do I view my story? Our personal stories are always in the top left corner on every screen and although this doesn’t seem like a huge deal, it’s just not the same.

Snapchat’s aim for this new update was to “separate the social from the media.”

Seriously? What does that even mean? As the old saying goes, “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it.”

Snapchat tried to fix something that was working completely fine, and failed miserably.

I have seen a decline in how much I use Snapchat now. It has become annoying for me to forget my old habits and learn completely new ones just to use a free social media app.

I know big updates have happened in the past with other social media platforms and within a month or two we are used to the change. But for now, I’m still salty.

Snapchat has dropped to a 1.9 rating in the App Store in response to the new update — proving how widely unpopular it is.