OPINION: Having Spicer at the Emmys was a terrible idea
Absolving political figures of lying to make a joke about lying is a joke itself

Courtesy of VOA / Wikimedia Commons
September 20, 2017
There is no justification for Sean Spicer’s appearance at the Emmys on Sunday night.
Spicer’s appearance onstage was met with gasps of disbelief from the audience. It was clear from the reactions of the many celebrities there that they couldn’t quite believe it was him.
Spicer’s bit was short, and simple. He got on stage with a fake podium popularized by a Melissa McCarthy impression on Saturday Night Live, joked that “this is the largest audience to witness the Emmys, period,” and got off the stage.
Although it was brief, Spicer’s role at the Emmy’s both enabled him and his dishonesty and normalized all of the things that he is infamous for. (Story continues below)
Before he resigned from his position as Press Secretary for President Donald Trump, Spicer was arguably the most recognizable member of Trump’s cabinet. His primary role was to act as a spokesperson for the White House and specifically, the president.
Because of the nature of his job, he was always in the media and in communication with journalist and various news outlets. Essentially, he acted as a bridge of communication between the president and the people who elected him into office.
Or at least, he should have.
Spicer’s time as Press Secretary was riddled with blatant lies and half-truths that he would force feed to his audience and expect them to accept without resistance. Public ridicule got so intense, partially credited to McCarthy, that news cameras, for the first time in decades, were regularly turned away from White House press briefings.
On Sunday, he finally admitted to everyone that he knew exactly what he was doing.
By quoting himself and making a joke about his comments regarding the inauguration earlier this year, he showed us all that he was aware that his statements were empirically wrong, but he spewed them out anyway because at the end of the day, he was still getting a paycheck.
Keep in mind, his paycheck was directly funded by taxpayers’ dollars. The same people who make sure that he and his family live comfortable lives are the same people that he lied to and sold out on a daily basis.
Now, because of both his past position and his most recent appearance at the awards show, Spicer has ascended from household name to full-blown celebrity. His lies and antics have cemented his name in Emmy history, and not many people who are known solely for lying, fumbling over their own words, and firmly believing that “alternative truths” really exist can say that.
Providing a platform for Spicer to capitalize on his past behaviors was a huge mistake. It is a slap in the face to everyone who was subjected to his selfish actions and should not be taken lightly.