New ‘Twilight’ captures book’s corniness

“The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn — Part 1” cast sits in on a news conference at Comic-Con International 2011 in San Diego, California, on Thursday, July 21, 2011. From left are Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner. (Kirk McKoy/Los Angeles Times/MCT)

Chanel Saidi

By now we are all used to the Twilight Saga’s teenage love story’s corny lines, such as the now-infamous “spider monkey” line, but the lines in “Breaking Dawn  Part 1″ took the cake.

Do not get me wrong; I absolutely loved the movie, even though it was inevitable that I would be giggling at all the ridiculous unnecessary lines in this film. Twi-fans have also become used to werewolf Jacob Black showing up topless. Viewers will be pleased to find Jacob’s steamy hot wolf body in its full glory within the first few minutes of the film.

The wedding scene was stunning and completely over the top in true Alice Cullen  Edward’s sister’s  fashion. Well-known fashion designer Carolina Herrera beautifully made the intricate detailing of a hundred buttons down the back of Bella’s dress, fully meeting my expectations on a simple and yet elegant gown. The wedding speeches, however, were over the top and about five of them could have been cut out without taking away from the film.

The cheesiness of the sex scene made people in the audience, including myself, laughing at the ridiculousness. Edward’s sexy vampire lovemaking skills left the two-person cleaning crew to deal with a broken bed, ripped sheets and pillow fluff.

For some reason, the scene just could not be taken as seriously as I am sure it was meant to be. Mostly, though, what ruined this was the fact Edward apologized to Bella for making sweet backbreaking love to her on their first night at “Isle Esme.” The book had made this scene seem very innocent and the apology translated on screen differently than I imagined.

The aftermath of the sex scene seemed weird to me. Although the film stays similar to the book for this scene, the book’s innocent description of Bella flaunting around in French designer negligees to persuade Edward to have sex with her again did not look so innocent on screen.

The idea of Bella flaunting around like a sex kitten in a sexy negligée while Edward refuses to have his way with her seems like a silly thing to be teaching young teenage girls. This idea did not occur to me until it was shown on the big screen. Although it was kind of cutesy, it was awkward being in a theater of elementary school children and watching Bella pretty much beg Edward to have sex with her.

All I wanted to see is whether the producers would accurately recreate the vivid pregnancy featured in the book. Of the entire series, this scene seemed like it would be the hardest to recreate. The brutality and gruesome detail that author Stephanie Meyer used to describe the pregnancy made it appear too unimaginable to be real. However the producers did not fail in creating a pregnancy that seemed just as brutal as the book.

The intense and well-crafted makeup artistry used to make Bella look as if she is having the life sucked out of her by a possible freakish vampire spawn, made me wonder if this film was appropriate for all the young children in the audience. Bella’s freakishly disgusting, torn up and frail body was exactly as I imagined she would look while reading the books. Showing complete and utter disregard for her well being, Bella fights for her baby to be born rather than killed by her vampire lover, even though he repeatedly begs to kill the “thing” inside her.

The cinematography used to recreate the intense pain Bella feels as she goes into labor was very well done. The fading in and out of the camera with Bella’s consciousness was effective in making viewers feel part of the agony that Bella goes through to save her child.

The film was mostly what I expected. The producers did add an extra serving of cheese when it came to creating “Breaking Dawn  Part 1,” as the audience cannot escape the mushy, feel-good vibes this film offers its viewers. The film was very good at staying consistent with the book  far more than the preceding movies. Now if only we did not have to wait until March to see the next installment.

Chanel Saidi can be reached at [email protected].