The walk of shame is outdated; time for ladies to strut with post-sex swag

Photo Illustration by Peter Williams
November 16, 2011
The morning after a wild night of sex has been commonly referred to as “the walk of shame.” Between the bed-head and smeared make-up, it is easy to see why.
The ritual of trudging to class or work, hair muddled, make-up smeared and sporting the clothes you wore the day before, is terribly uncomfortable. You might as well turn up with a neon sign on your head that says, “I just had sex!”
Realizing you have an early morning and a full schedule looming in the immediate future, there is a moment separating students into two groups.
There are those who we will call responsible, level-headed individuals. The ones who call it quits and return home for decent night’s sleep and a shower the night before class. Those who are reasonable are the people my older brothers like to call quitters. These individuals never experience the mortifying tread to class in a recycled wardrobe, or the embarrassment of a disheveled post hook-up appearance.
Then there are those of us who decide sleep is an antiquated ritual reserved for infants, the elderly and those no longer with us.
The latter group is the one who uphold the time-honored tradition of waking up in an acquaintance’s bed – tired, grimy and smug with the stench of the night before.
But something doesn’t sit right with me.
If I spent an entire night out, having a blast with a hottie who presumably made nice over coffee in the morning, why should I be ashamed?
Attending an 8 a.m. class in heels and a club dress isn’t my idea of a self-esteem booster, but the walk of shame is about to get a face-lift even The Lonely Island boys could be proud of.
The problem is your hair is a mess, you haven’t showered and you’re in the same clothes you had on the night before. Fortunately, there is an answer. With just a few accessories and necessities you can attend your English class with your head held high.
Ladies, say you spent the night out in a killer pair of stilettos and a black mini-dress. In the morning light, your smoking hot ensemble is starting to look more scandalous than fashionable.
Prior to now your options would be two-fold. You could race home, battle commuter traffic and Father Time himself, only to discover you have five minutes to shower, change and make it back to campus. Or decide to go to class dressed as Playboy’s Halloween interpretation of a Kardashian sister.
But you’re a college educated individual – let’s discuss an alternative.
Let’s assume before you went out last night, you stash a few emergency items under your seat or in your trunk just in case you decide to be reckless.
All you need to do is hobble out to your car and pull out your swagger kit.
In it would be pair of tights, a red pea coat, a printed scarf, a Colgate Wisp and a mini bottle of your favorite perfume. Suddenly your mini-dress has become the spicy piece in a seemingly normal ensemble. Throw your hair into a cute, messy bun and scoot on out to English 20.
Guys can just as easily get away with it. Just carry some deodorant, a clean T-shirt, pea coat and a comb.
No one should be ashamed of the fact they had sex. Having sex is something to be proud of even if it’s only a mental high-five. Sex and shame should never be mutually exclusive.
This isn’t 1950s America; we are living in a more sexually liberated society. I shouldn’t have to bury my bed-head in a beanie and embarrassment.
If I look damn good the morning after a one-night stand, I’m sporting a Cheshire Cat smile with a skip in my step.
Move over walk of shame, and good morning post-sex swagger.
Brittany Bradley can be reached at [email protected]