David Demola’s last Weight Loss Wonderblog

David Loret de Mola

div.imageRight,div.imagetop{display:none;} I’ve been going through depression for years, and finally I am getting help from Sacramento State’s psychological counseling services. So I’m starting a blog about depression and handing off my weight loss idea to Nallelie Vega, The State Hornet’s photography editor.This new blog isn’t going to be a forum for me to complain about my life, or my feelings. It’s meant to help people who go through clinical depression, and help people who don’t have depression understand just what’s going through our heads.Sometimes, it really doesn’t seem like people understand what it means to have depression.So a good first question to answer is: what is clinical depression?I’ve found that UC Berkeley’s University Health Services website really outlines what it’s like to be depressed.”Clinical depression is not the same as feeling sad or depressed for a few days and then feeling better,” according to the website. “It can affect your body, mood, thoughts, and behavior. It can change your eating habits, how you feel and think, your ability to work and study, and how you interact with people. People who suffer from clinical depression often report that they “don’t feel like themselves anymore.'”What I’m hoping for, with this blog, is to inspire at least one person to go out and get help.So, if you’re reading this and feel depressed, you need help. Go to the Student Health Center on campus for their psychological services.It’s okay to ask for help. We all need it sometime.

David Loret de Mola can be reached at [email protected]