PR group excels
May 6, 2009
Asking questions then answering them seems pretty easy right? Well, for some communication studies majors, the simple task of asking another person for information can be pretty daunting. However, some public relations students at Sacramento State thought they would take what they’re learning in the classroom and apply it to real life.
Golden Opportunities: Media Relations and the PR Profession selected the Sac State chapter of the Public Relations Student Society of America to host a conference in downtown Sacramento. Golden Opportunities is an organization based on getting PR professionals out into the working-world.
The PRSSA is an organization designed to get students involved in public relations and allow them to network with different people or organizations. It’s only been active at Sac State for three years.
Timothy Howard, Sac State public relations professor and adviser for the PRSSA, said he really wanted his students to get a chance to participate in something that pertains to what they plan to make their life’s profession.
“I have always wanted my students to use what they are reading in the textbooks in the real world,” Howard said.
A group of students was assembled through the PRSSA and with the help of Howard. The group of students put together a class that planned the conference.
The students played an important role in advertising for the conference, as they were responsible for everything it entailed.
The event was an educational conference focused on training public relations students, as well as journalism students, on how to reach out to different people and organizations and network with those who may be helpful in their future occupations.
“This is something targeted to PR professionals to learn about social networking and enhance their career objectives in the PR field,” Howard said.
Different guest speakers were available including John Wade, who has interviewed a variety of people from Jay Leno to Ralph Nader.
Wade, who has been interviewing people on different television networks for more than 20 years, insists that answering questions in an interview can be very difficult.
“I want them to understand the preparation process and know exactly what they want to say and even practice it with people,” Wade said.
At the conference PR students, as well as professionals, were able to learn this information from guest speakers like Wade.
“‘What are you going to ask me?’ they would say and I would say ‘No, no what are you going to tell me no matter what I ask?'” Wade said.
Since technology is constantly changing, it is important to realize that it plays an important role in networking and campaigning.
Bryan Merica and Andrew Stiffler talked about that very idea. They feel that Facebook and MySpace may be used as tools when networking.
Senior communication studies major Joey Vaughan did sound for the advertisements of the event and worked hard in order to get people to come to the event.
“I have been a public relations major for two years and for the longest time, I didn’t know what was the meaning of public relations and why it was so important. But now, this conference has closed the gap on what I want to do with my life,” Vaughan said.
He said accomplishing something in the PR world requires a lot.
“I have finally been able to use what I am learning and put it into practice,” Vaughan said.
According to the information provided by Golden Opportunities the conference was used to get those who are interested in public relations to practice what they are learning.
Students who attended the event agreed they could not have asked for a more helpful event.
Senior Bella Ayugi, a communication studies major with an emphasis in PR, said she felt as though she was able to gain more insight as to what she was learning in class because she attended the event.
“From the crisis management speech I was able to really understand what PR is,” Ayugi said. “Books may say something, but you must always go with your gut instinct.”
The Welcome Reception on Friday was held in the Citizen Hotel in downtown Sacramento. It was an opening ceremony that was a way for those who attended to meet with other participants.
Kyla Aquino, senior communication studies major with an emphasis in PR, said the conference really took her breath away.
“I was really impressed that the students who put it on made everything very effortless. The guest speakers were amazing and very approachable,” Aquino said.
Vanessa Johnson can be reached at [email protected]