Auditor’s Narrative: Galt Joint Union High School District
April 22, 2009
I entered the office and saw two receptionists inside. I asked for the form 700 and ethics training records but was told by both receptionists that they couldn’t do it. I was told the one person who could do it was in a negotiating meeting all day and wouldn’t be available. I asked if he or she would be available after the meeting and both receptionists said no.
Both receptionists were polite, but I was unable to make my request to anybody there.
CalAware Reaction (Terry Francke, General Counsel):
The two receptionists in the district office told the auditor that the only person who could respond the the request for Form 700s was in a meeting and would not be available afterwards. The forms-legally required to be produced within two days after the request-were not produced at all. The written response, received within the required period, did not refuse access to any public records in the district’s possession.
Mitchell Wilson can be reached at [email protected].