Review of “Watchmen” CD
March 26, 2009
For every great hero comes a great song. With the new movie Watchmen we are able to see how Tyler Bates used the dark theme of the movie to add further weight to the music along with the angelic singing of soprano singers.
With the soundtrack of Watchmen, listeners are able to feel the emotion that comes forth through the climax of the music. Bates uses violins and trumpets to express an important part in the song or an important part that may be coming up.
The music of the soundtrack is very black with emotions coming forth from the violins, or even the lack of sound that may come forth on songs such as, “Rescue Mission,”. “Rescue Mission” sounds very similar to the music found in the movies X-Men and Spiderman.
The loud beats of drumming along with the clashing of symbols brings the ears of the listener on edge waiting to hear what is about to happen.
Throughout many of the scores created by Bates you are able to hear the faint sounds of a choir singing in a soprano (or “high pitched”) level. It brings out further the emotion in every song.
Although I have not even seen the movie, the music draws you in with the high and low pitches. When the track “Who Murdered Hollis Mason” came on I got goose bumps because the music actually brought out some fear and anticipation to the point where I actually wished I was watching the movie at that very moment.
In the track titled “Edward Blake- The Comedian” depicts a little bit of an eighties like sound. I felt as though there is that techno sound that all eighties artists included in their music like REM and Erasure.
Bates does a phenomenal job in drawing the listener in with unique sounds placed together at different levels and at different pitches. His bleak usage of the instruments really help add to the anticipation of listening to the music
Vanessa Johnson can be reached at [email protected]