Homosexual partners deserve equal rights

Vanessa Guerrero

Political initiatives are the artillery used in the war between anti-gay extremists and gay rights. Marriage is not the only target; adoption for gay couples is now lingering in Arkansas as the Family Action Council Committee seeks to eliminate adoption to homosexual couples through its initiative, ACT 1.

The council’s main concern is “children’s welfare,” but children will eventually be exposed to the reality of homosexuality within society at one point in time, regardless of if a heterosexual couple or homosexual couple adopts them.

What will be the explanation then? Most likely, it will be more intolerance and ignorance on why homosexuality is wrong.

Regardless of what happened Tuesday with Proposition 8 in the state of California or what the future holds for Arkansas, the war is far from over. Extremist ideals opposing gay rights oversee the fact that homosexuality is part of humanity and will remain as long as humans live. Acceptance and tolerance grows as the public becomes educated with the idea that gay is OK.

The United States is a diverse society. Its advantage of receiving higher educations stands above other continents. For some people to hold close-minded beliefs shocks the concept of freedom itself in this country. Every person holds a right to freedom of choice and desires without infringing on the lives of others, so why deny that opportunity for gay couples?

The irony of it all stands when children of those who oppose gay and lesbians from tying the knot, are in some instances gay. Why the fear of noticing humanity?

Since the beginning of time, homosexuality has existed. In the time of Alexander the Great, it was seen as a privilege for men to have sexual pleasures with other men.

It’s wrong, because the Bible says so, is one of the main arguments for people who support legislation aimed against homosexuals. How can people determine what others must do using religious passages from the Bible, a book that does not apply to everyone? Or worse yet, from their own personal opinion.

How are gays and lesbians affecting your everyday life? Are they plotting a deadly massacre against straight people in the United States? The last time I looked into it, they just want marriage licenses and the ability to adopt children.

For those who hate homosexuality, it’s okay. You have the right to believe what you want. However, imposing beliefs and actions on others seems a little Hitlerish.

Hitler, as we know today, hated the Jewish community (You can add homosexuals to that as well) and acted on his hatred with the purpose of solely eliminating them at all costs. He destroyed thousands upon thousands of families, men, women and children in order to accomplish his desires.

Should we act like Hitler did, in regards to our own society? Some may agree and believe gas chambers are the answer, but lets go back to 2008 and find ways to avoid infringing on other people’s rights.

Why not read a book, join a sport or simply mind your own business when a gay couple wants to get married because, when you tied the knot, I’m pretty sure there was no mob of people holding picket signs against your actions.

Vanessa Guerrero can be reached at [email protected]