MOJO: Little B-Boy

Gavin Pecsion gestures to the crowd while dancing.:
April 25, 2008
Gavin Pecsion awed onlookers today with dancing skills and crowd-pleasing moves.
The 7-year-old Pecsion, a member of a breakdancing group called Flexible Flave, set up in the library quad with a stereo and a mat in the afternoon, attracting a crowd of students.
Students watched from the balcony by the library, clapped and laughed as the young boy urged his teacher, Vince Horiuchi, to come out and dance with him.
I love everything about (dancing),” Pecsion said. “I like to call people out like Vince.”
Britney Rossman, sophomore journalism major, said that Gavin was very entertaining.
“I think it is the most adorable thing in the word,” Rossman said. “You have to take a step back and realize ‘Hey, this is pretty cool. He must have spent hours practicing,’ and he is so young.”
Horiuchi said that the members of the breakdancing group range from 5-year-olds to young adults in their 20s.
“I have always been into flashy stuff that is unique and when I first saw breakdancing I realized this is what I want to do,” said Horiuchi. “I like to share my experience with young people.”
Those who are interested in Flexible Flave and what it has to offer can contact Horiuchi at [email protected].
Vanessa Johnson can be reached at [email protected].