Campus solicitors meet mixed responses
April 30, 2008
With the presidential election as well as the student body election coming up, students are seeing more solicitors on campus that are trying and get them to stay active in the community. But are those solicitors going too far when it comes to talking to students?
CBS 13 reported that there have been recent complaints about a man, 45-year-old Don Cornell Williams, who allegedly falsified names for voter registration. Williams was even said to be on the Sacramento State campus trying to get students to register to vote.
Some students on campus have expressed that many solicitors who stand and give out fliers are pushy.
“I am really annoyed,” said Chris Chomycia, senior finance major. “I try the best I can to avoid them.”
Sunita Behl, biology major, agreed with Chomycia.
“There are too many people walking around campus for them to just come in your face. If students are interested, we will come up to them. They don’t have to be so pushy,” Behl said.
Duane Cambell, professor of bilingual education, said that trying to let voters know about something cannot be seen as harassment to students. He, along with a fellow solicitor, could be seen in the quad last week in front of a pro-Barack Obama table, to get students to sign to vote for the candidate.
“You cannot restrict the right of people to convey a political message,” Cambell said. “The campus is the place to advocate ideas.”
Signature gatherers and other solicitors are allowed on campus, however, they must follow the time and location limitations that are given to solicitors, according to Sac State’s Student Activities guidelines for solicitors.
Kathryn Murray, philosophy major and candidate for Associated Students Inc. vice president of Academic Affairs, said that getting an idea across – and not being pushy about it – is necessary in connecting to the student body on campus.
“I think it is good for campus community and it is a good way to talk to students,” Murray said. “If someone doesn’t want to talk or is busy, just walk away.”
To view Student Activities guidelines and policies regarding solicitors, visit
Vanessa Johnson can be reached at [email protected].