Workshops prepare prospective grad students
March 13, 2008
Students looking to apply to graduate school have an opportunity through the Office of Graduate Studies and the Graduate Diversity Program to learn about applying to grad school. The Office of Graduate Studies and the Graduate Diversity Program presented a pre-graduate workshop on “What You Need to Know About Graduate School” today to better prepare students interested in getting their masters.
The workshop held today was the fifth session of seven and was titled “How to Apply to Grad School.”
Topics that were discussed included: application deadlines, what graduate school one should choose and the importance of having a strong personal statement that reflects academic achievements and positive personality traits.
Jose Martinez, supervisor for Graduate Admissions at Sac State, expressed the importance of a degree higher than a bachelor.
“Today, the bachelor’s degree doesn’t carry the same weight as it used to. Technology is making it important to go out there and advance your education,” Martinez said.
Audience members said the workshop was very informative about the competition of applying to grad school.
Prospective graduate student Meggin Lindgren, who graduated with bachelor’s from Humboldt University in 2000, is looking for a career change and thinks that grad school is the most promising outlet.
“I think the undergraduate degree in America is a just entry level position, and for you to work within your field and be successful, you need a graduate degree,” Lindgren said.
The next two workshops are “Financing Graduate Education” on March 19 and “What We Learned” on March 26.
For more information on the workshops call (916) 278-3834 or click here to visit the Office of Graduate Studies website.
Vanessa Johnson can be reached at [email protected].