Pro-life group leaves campus after short visit
Julie Yang, a undeclared sophomore, reads statistics off an information board today made by Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust, a pro-life group based in Riverside.:
April 25, 2007
A few students stop to stare at pictures of aborted fetuses. Others keep their eyes forward or fixed to the ground to avoid looking. A group called Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust had five sets of billboards stationed around the Library Quad today as part of its national campus tour.
After less than two hours on campus, the pro-life group left campus, but not after some controversy.
“One woman was crying and another woman was confronting them, saying that not all abortions look like that,” said Marq Glazner, a junior business major.
She said one of the young men who was part of the group started to yell at one of the women, saying that she was trying to kill Jews.
Several women then started to shake and cry.
“I’m all for the women and it’s not going to affect me,” said Julie Yang, an undeclared sophomore. “They’re not going to convince me to change my mind by being out here.”
The group left without encouragement from the university, said Leonard Valdez, the campus judicial officer of student activities.
The group left before expressing any comment to The State Hornet.
“The group was limited to one space (of the Library Quad),” said Lou Camera, the director of student activities. However, they chose to have multiple locations in a single area, despite numerous warnings this morning.
“A group cannot fill the Quad (with multiple set-ups) with one message,” Camera said.
He said it was unfortunate that a global studies organization was in the middle of this situation and people wanting to get information about global studies had to be surrounded by the pictures.
Camera said non-campus groups are allowed to petition in one location as long as they do not disrupt foot traffic or campus life.
Jamie Gonzales can be reached at [email protected]