President speaks with Faculty Senate about budget, campus updates
President Alexander Gonzalez addresses Sacramento State budget concerns raised by faculty senate members at the senate meeting on April 3 in Sacramento Hall. :
April 9, 2007
One hour after the California Faculty Association announced the impending two day rolling walkout was delayed and contract negotiations were agreed upon, Sacramento State’s Faculty Senate held an impromptu meeting with President Alexander Gonzalez.
The Academic Affairs base budget and faculty budget were two points of interest the Faculty Senate presented to Gonzalez Tuesday.
Gonzalez said after the contract negotiations, the faculty may need to pay about 25 percent of health care benefits. However, this is not certain and may change while the CFA is looking over the final contract language during the next month.
Gonzalez also announced that Wells Fargo is now the official bank of Sac State. He did not mention how this change will affect the campus during the meeting.
He also said he would like to refurbish Sequoia Hall’s labratories and to fix Humboldt Hall’s benches. He did not give a timeline for these improvements.
Jamie Gonzales can be reached at [email protected]