Campus community invited to review updated student conduct code
January 7, 2007
Student Affairs is being proactive to educate Sacramento State students, staff and faculty about the soon-to-be revised student conduct code. A presentation will be shown to an open forum at 7 p.m., Jan. 30 in the Redwood Room of the University Union.
The presentation will review changes to Title V and Executive Order 628, which will be approved by CSU Chancellor Charles B. Reed.
The last revision of the student conduct code was in the late 1980s. The code has been updated to reflect the modern era.
Updates include computer-related conduct codes and other uses of technology on campus. This was done primarily because personal, laptop and handheld computers are more accessible to students now.
In addition, hazing is more clearly defined in the revision of Title V, as well as off-campus conduct. Cheating and plagiarism will also be discussed.
After the presentation, the campus community will have the opportunity to ask questions.Additional open forums will be held at noon, Feb 1-2 in Hinde room of the Union.
Jamie Gonzales can be reached at [email protected]