Professor Evaluations: A Waste Of Time

Image: Fantasy of Halloween:Nicki Croly:

Nicki Croly

We’ve discussed their outrage about not getting to park in the brand new parking structure. We’ve heard them complain that they don’t get paid enough. For the past few weeks, there have been stories in this newspaper about faculty and their problems. But what about us students who have to deal with you?

It’s getting to that time of year when we have to do evaluations of our professors. They’ll hand out those scantrons and some suck-up student will volunteer to tell the class how to fill them out.

If my professor was sub-par, ho-hum average, I’ll just quickly bubble it in and then leave. If my professor was amazing, then I’ll jot down a few notes about how they rocked and throw in that they deserve a raise, if they really were that good. And if they just blew, I’d let that evaluation have it! I’d pour my frustrations, my heart and soul into that evaluation.

But not any more.

A few semesters ago I had this professor, and to save his identity and my grade, we’ll just call him Professor Huge Ego. The class I took from Ego was required for my major. When I took the class, I had to sit through an entire semester listening to Ego talk about how he apparently did amazing things before he was our professor. Ego went on about the different awards and honors he has won and how people always wanted him to work for them, etc.

Every class was 50 minutes of hell for those who had him. I learned very little in the class, unless you count how to look like you’re paying attention while instant messaging my friend who sat next to me in the class learning.

So when that evaluation came around, I broke my pencil writing so much about this man’s “teaching style.” After a page worth of my rant, I left feeling justified.

That was until I went to pick my classes a year later. To my surprise, the class I needed to take was offered only once and by that same crappy professor. I thought I’d give him a second chance. I mean, maybe he read the evaluations we had done and improved his class.

Nope, this class was even worse! Not only did he spend it talking about himself for the entire class time, but he repeated the same exact stories that I had spent a previous semester hearing. What made this class worse was that this time, he actually didn’t teach anything.

Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy an easy-A class, but this time around I felt gypped.

I pay more than $1,600 to listen to this guy and not learn anything? Yeah, I’m kind of pissed. But more so because it’s not just him.

What about the professor that holds the class overtime making you late to your next class? Or the one who is always late himself? What about the professor who spends day after day spewing his or her political opinions all over you. I get it already. You hate Republicans or Liberals or taxes, but I’m not a government major; shut up and teach!

I wanted to know exactly what they do with those evaluations, so I called the Communications Department. For those who have tenure, they are put in a file for reviews. For professors on the tenure track, meaning they are on their way to getting tenure, they can be used to establish if they get tenure or not. They put some of the evaluations in the professor’s file. And if they work part time like Professor Ego they are simply put in a file.

So they are barely looked at and stuffed away. Cool.

When I had that crappy professor I vowed to never take him again. And what departments tell us is to take a class at a different time with a different professor. But he was the only one teaching the one section of the class. And I’m a senior, so it’s not like I can wait to see if someone better is teaching it next semester; I have to take it now. What do we, as students, do then? The departments so-called “solutions” don’t work.

Apparently, the answer is to suck it up and face the fact that there will be crappy professors throughout your time in college. So instead of wasting your time on an evaluation comment section, I’d suggest you just circle the basics, leave early and go grab some Gordito Burrito. At least then you’re stomach will feel gratified.