Future uncertain for Sac State and its grads
May 11, 2004
Most of the truly great movies end on a down note: At the end of”Casablanca,” Rick Blaine is forced to tell Ilsa, thelove of his life, to get on a plane and fly out of his life. At theend of “The Godfather” trilogy, Michael Corleone dies alonely old man.
Sacramento State being the love of my life, and me being an oldman (six-year plan), I find it perfect to end on a similar note.Although I am a sentimental optimist, I fear for the many problemsSac State will face next year, and the years to follow.
Even though I voted for it the Recreation, Wellness, EventsCenter is going to be at the root of Sac State hypocrisy for thenext five to seven years. The $110 per semester fee increase (afterinflation, it could reach over $200) is not going to sit well withstudents on a tight budget. We have been a campus actively opposedto raising student fees, but for some reason it’s okay tocough up extra cash for a large shiny object. The limited bowlinglanes are clearly also going to be a problem.
And while plans for rock climbing walls and juice bars are inthe works, our own library can’t even stay open past 11 p.m.What good is it having future plans for filling recreational needsif educational ones haven’t been taken into consideration?It’s bad enough that next to Davis’s library, ourslooks like it’s straight out of the ’70s.
Classes are still getting smaller, but for what reason Idon’t know. It seems like our “destinationcampus” is going to have to turn away students who mightconsider this their perfect destination.
Associated Students Inc. also has positioned itself for aperfect mess next year with a inadequate budget plan. Afterpromising Recreational Sports $45,000, ASI had to bend overbackwards just to deliver. This required them to slice the tops offof more educational programs and even their own projects fund. Thesmaller budget ASI had to work with already meant that studentswould receive less services, but the way they handled it wasridiculous. At the end ASI showed that they were more concernedwith keeping promises than disappointing the student body.
Also, for next year, having both Luke Wood and Josh Wood at thehelm of the ASI ship isn’t exactly the greatest of comforts.Sure, I think they are both very qualified for their position andoverall, good guys whom I respect. But I am also a twin, and justimagining my brother and I in charge of anything short of an antfarm scares me.
The biggest problem with an equally giant ego is PresidentAlexander Gonzalez. With an office like Caesar’s Palace and aswagger that could give Donald Trump a run for his money, the manhas a tycoon way about him (as opposed to Donald Gerth’s”old miser” way). His ambition is admirable, but alsodangerous; his “destination campus” is going to takeapproximately 10 years to complete, during which time the rise andfall of the entire middle of campus will give students unwanteddetours up the anus and provide unnecessary bulldozer traffic. Ihope Gonzalez is as good a wheeler and dealer as he makes himselfto be. If so, I’ll come back to campus and personally crownhim king of Sacramento.
And as for the CSUS Foundation, the good old Wizard of Oz of SacState, it will continue to screw the students as efficiently aspossible &- overpricing our textbooks, monopolizing foodservices and spending money on facilities that students can’teven use, like Modoc Hall and Capital Public Radio.
Speaking of “The Wizard of Oz,” in the end, Dorothywakes up from a dream. Some might find it perfect that a littlefarm girl wakes up from a dream and sees her loving family and dogat her bedside. But I think it’s sad that she’s nolonger in a fantastical Technicolor world where anything ispossible. Right now, Sac State becoming a “destinationcampus” seems somewhere over the rainbow, with the RWEC beingthe Emerald City.
But maybe decades from now, the campus as we now know it wouldfeel far as away as Oz. Then I wake up from the dream, and you werethere, and you were there…