Year-end report card on ASI
May 13, 2003
A report card for 2002-03 edition of Associated Students, Inc. campus-wide executives:
President Eric Guerra:
From the outside, it appears that Guerra hasn?t done much for Sacramento State. But after taking a closer look he proves to be the best president that Sacramento State has had in the last three years.
He has fought for the students. He pushed legislation that made Parking Structure II a student-only facility, after it was slated to be 30 percent faculty parking, 70 percent student.
Guerra established the Office of Governmental Affairs, which lobbies Capitol legislators. He has developed an on campus-housing plan that could take off in the future, and could provide a Greek Row, increasing student activity and jobs on campus.
“In my time here, I haven?t built a clock tower or a flagpole, but I have earned the respect from the Associated Students, to the administration and to the state legislature,” Guerra said.
Guerra has been known for working late hours, occasionally even sleeping in his office.
The effect of his administration will be felt after he is gone. Future presidents should aspire to serve a term like Guerra?s. Grade: A
Executive Vice President Luke Wood:
Wood?s has built a reputation as a defender of student equality and access. He is truly the board?s minority voice. He is not afraid to challenge his ASI colleagues.
He created the position of the Equity Relations Officer, occupied by Robert Cabiness.
Most recently, he used his office to highlight what he perceived as an unjust ASI denial of funds to Cooper Woodson, a club that serves the academic needs of black students. He should be commended for his passion, but sometimes it blinds him to the bigger picture. Next year, when he becomes Vice President of Finance (technically, a lower position), there will be bigger fish to fry. Grade: B ?
Vice President of Finance, Peter Ucovich:
Ucovich is widely known for his communication skills.
Ucovich tended a budget consisting of $8.5 million. He has been known for staying on the ball, providing detailed comprehensive reports every week, even when its not required.
Unfortunately, one can only create so much new legislation from the Finance office. Most of his Ucovich?s personal legislation has been ineffective this year (Book exchange, KSSU upgrade). This should change when next year when he takes over as President.
His display of spirit and advocacy for AB 550, a bill that would allow students to regulate fee increases, has been very public to say the least. Before he won the presidency he attended nearly every rally to oppose the measure, however, at a 550 rally the day after elections, his suit and smile were nowhere to be seen.Grade: B-
Vice President of University Affairs, Zach Donahue:
At the beginning of the semester Donahue took over as VPUA, previously occupied by Crystal Chase. There is not enough information for grading. Grade: Incomplete.
Other grades:
The Board: Most members kept good office hours and attended board meetings. Members seemed educated about legislation, however (with the exception of Muhammad Hamada) suffered from tight lips. Grade B +
Student advocacy: Stop the fee hikes rallies at the Capitol and CSU Long Beach were high points in the year. Grade: A.
Effectiveness: The board lost a lot of valuable time to political infighting, especially between Guerra, Hamada, Wood and Ucovich that could have been used more productively. Grade: C
Legislation: Spent the year passing meaningless and over-reaching resolutions about things like racial profiling and opposition to U.S. military action in Iraq. Grade: D+
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