UTAPS looks at options
April 10, 2002
University Transportation and Parking Services officials are considering several options to the address a campus parking dilemma that looks to only get worse in the coming years.
As Sacramento State?s student population swells, the amount of available land on which to build shrinks, and construction funds become more difficult to wrangle, something?s got to give.
Director of Support Services Ronald Grant said that one alternative is to limit the number of campus parking permits sold to students.
Such a plan would prioritize who could buy a permit based on student seniority, how close a student lives to campus or by class schedule. Other colleges in California have implemented similar plans to ease parking space shortages.
Grant said that another solution to the problem would emphasize alternative transportation. In the past, Associated Students, Inc. officials have floated incentive programs such as gift or food certificates to reward those who took the bus or light rail to school.
To date, none of those plans have moved past the planning stage.
Edward Del Biaggio, Vice President for Administration, said that there is an area zoned for student apartments with construction beginning before 2005.
Consequently, with the building of apartments, “we will lose more parking spaces” he said.
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