Abandon Productions presents “Sorta?”
April 17, 2002
Abandon Productions uses its unique acting style in its newest theatrical comedy, “Sorta?,” which premieres April 5 through May 18 at The Space in Sacramento.
According to Stepanie Rosscup, cast member of “Sorta?” and Publicity Manager for Abandon Productions, the play includes vignettes of everyday life situations such as waiting in line to use an ATM machine, or trying to watch a movie at a theater while being bombarded by other obnoxious viewers.
“The characters in the show are clown-like in nature, and use gibberish and exaggerated facial expressions to communicate in a comedic way,” Rosscup said.
The cast of ten actors includes Sacramento State graduates and current students.
Stephanie Tucker, a Sac State professor of English and dramatic studies, said of “Sorta?” in a review, “This is fun, original, energetic, interesting, compelling theater- theater which you might not only enjoy, but be inspired by”.
Doniel Sutherland, the artistic director of Abandon Productions, and also a professor in the Sac State theater department, started the theater company over a year ago. Abandon Productions consists primarily of Sac State Alumni and student actors.
Rosscup said that the theater company seems to appeal to those who wouldn?t otherwise consider themselves fans of theater.
“We are not traditional, so we get a very mixed crowd in our audiences,” Rosscup said. “We really are a top-of-the-line company in the Sacramento area because we are different.”
Rosscup, also a graduate of Sac State, said that she joined the company because she had friends who were involved in Abandon Productions. She began attending the Monday night two-hour training sessions that the group participates in. She said that the workshops surpassed “any class that one could take at the gym”.
The first hour and a half of the training consists of aerobic workouts, and the last half hour is designated to acting, according to Rosscup.
She said that this style of training leads to a very unique form of acting.
“[After the workout] You are so physically exhausted that you don?t even think about the work of acting. What ensues is very natural and raw,” Rosscup said.
Rosscup added that no acting experience is necessary to train with the group.
“It?s almost better if you don?t have acting experience because you have less expectations,” Rosscup said. “Everyone is so supportive of one another.”
Matthew Burlingame-Couk of the Sacramento News and Review said of the company, “Abandon Productions brings to Sacramento something it has long been without: theater willing to take risks.”
Abandon Productions has premiered a total of four shows in the last year including, “Stream of Consciousness”, “Subject to Change (America: Revolution to Revelation)” and “Scattered Bits and Pieces”. Its home theater is The Space, located on R Street in Sacramento.
“Sorta?” will continue to have shows on Fridays and Saturdays up until May 18 at 8:00 p.m. Tickets are ten dollars.