Parking Structure II

Image: Parking Structure II::
February 4, 2002
Parking-wearystudents anxiously await the completion of amulti-level garage that planners say is ahead ofschedule and should be ready for Sacramento State?sfall semester.
Students said that the parking structure is worth thewait, but that the present situation is frustrating,especially during peak morning hours.
Freshman Joe Edgington said that parking on campusmakes him dread driving to school in the morning.”It?s almost amusing how sad the situation is. Youhave to come to school early enough to get a space, soyou end up sleeping in your car waiting for class tostart,” Edgington said.
Junior Suzanne Bergren looks forward to not having topark in the overflow lots.
“If it?s going to be a lot better in the long run,then it will be definitely worth the wait,” Bergrensaid.
Jason Wuchenich, also a junior, said that he doesn?tknow very much about the specifics of the structurethat is under construction.
“I guess as long as we?re expanding parking, that?sall that matters,” Wuchenich said.
Some relief will come with the opening of ParkingStructure II, under construction near the UniversityUnion, will add 750 spaces on top of the 250 pavedslots temporarily lost to the project.
Project Manager for Parking Structure II, RonRichardson of Facilities Management, said thatconstruction is ahead of schedule and that the newgarage should be open in mid-August.
Although wet weather affected construction in the lasttwo months, he believes the contractor, McCarthyBuilding Company, will make up for lost time.
“I made it clear that we need to get in before thestart of the semester,” Richardson said. “I amconfident they will be able to meet the goals that wehave set.”
Richardson said that the multi-billion dollar companyhas a solid reputation and was cooperative from theproject?s start.
“These guys are experts in what they do,” Richardsonsaid.
Richardson said that as soon as the concrete slab ispoured for the foundation this week, builders will beless affected by rain and should work more quickly.Nancy Fox, manager of University Transportation andParking Services, is also looking forward to the newstructure.
“Parking Structure II will benefit the campus, as itwill provide 1,000 close-in and covered parking spacesto the east side of campus, near the University Union,Library and other campus buildings,” Fox said.
According to Fox, the parking is always hectic duringthe first few weeks of a new semester.
“UTAPS has tried to help by providing additionalparking in the stadium on a temporary basis. This wasprovided the first week of school and will continue ifthere is still a need for additional space,” Fox said.McCarthy Construction bid $8,345,000 for thefour-level parking structure. The financing for thegarage is available through the sale of revenue bonds.The bonds are paid off through the revenue collectedfrom parking permit fees, which are used solely forthe purpose of the construction of new parkingfacilities.
McCarthy Building Companies, which began constructionon the parking structure in October 2001, is theoldest privately held construction firm in the nation.The firm generates over $2 billion in annual sales.
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