Dumpster divers descend on dorms
September 24, 2001
Sightings of people sifting through dumpsters for recyclables have become a common occurrence at Sacramento State residence halls over the past few years.
Since aluminum and cardboard can be recycled for cash, a group of individuals have been known to go through campus dumpsters, gathering recyclables for extra money, said Campus Police Public Information Officer John Hamrick.
Hamrick said even though there are five individuals who are known to sift through the dumpsters, this has not been a major issue in the residence halls.
“There have been no problems or formal complaints that have resulted from this occurrence,” Hamrick said.
Most students residing in the dorms say they don?t mind the people going through the dumpsters.
“I?m not bothered by those that sift through the trash because they don?t leave a mess behind them,” said freshman Brad Pettigrew. “I just think that it?s sad that they are less fortunate and have to sift through trash.”
Freshman Katie Gabriele said it doesn?t bother her during daylight hours, but at night she begins to feel unsafe.
“I don?t mind if this occurs during the day, but at night I feel a little bit scared and unsafe walking around the residence halls alone,” Gabriele said.
Other students find the practice a nuisance. Junior Roy Taylor said people rummage through garbage in the dumpster outside his window “all the time,” and he?d like to see student government do something about it.
“I?d like to see (Associated Students, Inc.) take a proactive stand against people going through dumpsters and throwing trash around,” Taylor said.
Other students said they worried that their privacy would be compromised if garbage containing personal information was found.
Hamrick said the only way the issue may become problematic would be if the trash were not cleaned up, leaving the campus a mess. So far, according to the Residence Life Office, there have been no formal complaints, and no action has been taken to remove the individuals.
Those who sift through dumpsters cannot be cited because they have done nothing that impedes upon others? safety or the law, Hamrick said.
Dorm residents said the trash sifters are more common during move-out time because of the availability of old furniture that has been abandoned for recycling.