The media are quick to build people up as bigger than life, but if they get involved in a scandal then the media are also just as quick to tear them apart and fill the news with constant coverage of their...
The sluggish economy has pushed retailers to hype up holiday shopping earlier and earlier, and there is now a lack of significance in the traditional time frame Americans celebrate the holidays. The American...
Connecting through social network sites may be great for staying caught up with distant friends and family, but allowing these sites to impede on time spent interacting with people in person has negative...
Election season came to a highly anticipated end Tuesday night, and in California it wasn’t just the close presidential race that put voters on the edge of their seats. Californians decided the fate...
Celebrities have the ability to influence the public on everything, but their potential impact on elections and the political process is devastating considering they aren’t always the most informed sources....
Real news is obligated to cover the most tragic things happening in the world, but then we have “The Daily Show” a comedic take on the day’s news. Viewers tune in to “The Daily Show” for the...
Either side of the political spectrum could make an argument the polls covering the election are biased in their portrayal, but voters are unlikely to be swayed by these numbers and campaigns shouldn’t...
As Election Day approaches, campaigns for candidates and propositions are doing their best - and spending millions of dollars - to be victorious. Airwaves are packed with misleading political campaign...
Southern California rock band No Doubt had a four-year hiatus prior to beginning work on the recently released album “Push and Shove,” but you wouldn’t know that by listening. It’s been 11 years...
Public figures should be conscious that critical eyes are watching them at all times. Mitt Romney has proven to be oblivious of this fact. The Romney campaign has been filled with gaffes since its birth....
Politics have become so polarized in recent years that voters may feel the need to only go along with their party on issues, but this isn’t always what they truly believe in. The level of partisanship...
There is a reason why younger generations, which are so largely impacted by the decisions made by possible future presidential figures, are unlikely to tune into the party conventions. Political conventions...
With the help from student researchers at the California Smart Grid Center, another energy conscious installation for the Sacramento State campus has arrived on top of Riverside Hall. The California Smart...