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The student news site of Sacramento State University

The State Hornet

The student news site of Sacramento State University

The State Hornet

Christina Birdsall, Author

All content by Christina Birdsall

Plan ahead, work hard and get out of Sac State on time

Christina Birdsall
May 11, 2004

Graduating in four years isn't an urban legend. If I canmake it in four, anyone can. And who wants to be that guywho's a senior for four years anyway? Here are somesuggestions that have worked for me....

America’s vanity obsession taking an unhealthy turn

Christina Birdsall
May 4, 2004

A new show on MTV, "I Want a Famous Face," documentspeople who want to look like their favorite stars. It's kindof like "Extreme Makeover" meets "The BodySnatchers"; I caught the one with the girl who...

ASI helps boost student careers

Christina Birdsall
April 20, 2004

Orange, yellow and red signs have decorated Sacramento State forthe last few weeks. Candidates debated April 13 and passed theirfliers out to potential voters, all in anticipation of theAssociated Students,...

The real world is more than a TV show

Christina Birdsall
April 1, 2004

Until recently, "The Real World" was the MTV show Iwatched religiously on Tuesday nights. But with graduation loomingahead, I've started to look at it in a much different light:The real world isn't something...

Is Atkins diet too good to be true?

Christina Birdsall
March 24, 2004

Atkins, Atkins, Atkins. He's everywhere. He's in the grocery store or at Jack In The Box. He's on TV and in magazines. He's even at Barnes and Noble. He's been seen around since the 1970s, so why all of...

Embarrassing moments nothing to worry about

Christina Birdsall
March 10, 2004

The same dream has been haunting my nights since I was in grade school: I go to school without a care in the world only to realize I forgot an essential part of my wardrobe -- the pants. I struggle to...

Don’t pay top dollar for book when you have library, Internet

Christina Birdsall
March 3, 2004

After three-and-a-half years of buying textbooks that I barely even opened, let alone read, I decided that this semester would be different. No more waiting in line only to empty my wallet. No more selling...

Student schedules don’t always add up

Christina Birdsall
February 11, 2004

So you want to be a Sacramento State student? Being accepted, paying your fees and buying that parking permit are only the first steps. You still have to get your classes. Sounds easy, right? Maybe it...

Avoid parking hassles by taking responsibility

Christina Birdsall
February 4, 2004

Some people make New Year?s resolutions to eat healthy, go to the gym or quit smoking. This year, my resolution is to quit receiving parking tickets at Sacramento State. Every semester I manage to earn...

Advice for pessimists: Look on bright side

Christina Birdsall
January 28, 2004

Normally, I'm a "glass-is-half-empty" kind of girl, while my boyfriend is the eternal optimist. A meteor could land on Chris truck and he'd simply shrug it off. He had wanted a new car anyway. My car was...

$13.4 million cut proposed for CSU budget

Christina Birdsall
December 3, 2003

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger last week proposed $13.4 million inmid-year cuts for the California State University system, inaddition to the $304 million already cut from the 2003-04budget. Effective Jan....

Spring registration kicks off Nov. 24

Christina Birdsall
November 19, 2003

Registration for Spring 2004 is from Nov. 24 to Dec. 17. Feesmust be paid five business days before the designated registrationday. They can be paid on CASPER Web, over the phone or in LassenHall. For...

Gov. Davis changes trustee nomination

Christina Birdsall
November 12, 2003

Some say the third time is the charm, but in Gov. GrayDavis' case it is the second time that counts. In his last weeks as governor, Davis' appointment of MariaContreras-Sweet, the secretary of California's...

Task force on university athletics to hold forums

Christina Birdsall
November 5, 2003

As stated in President Gonzalez's fall address to thecampus, a CSUS Athletics Task Force was set up to evaluateSacramento State's athletic programs. The Task Force have two public forums planned to allow...

Rev. Jackson to fight Prop. 54 on campus

Christina Birdsall
September 30, 2003

Jesse Jackson's week-long Keep Hope Alive Campus Tour will make a stop at Sacramento State noon on Thursday at the Joe Serna Plaza.Sac State is one of seven schools visited in his tour to take on Proposition...

President’s office cost over $265K

Christina Birdsall
September 9, 2003

The total price tag for Sacramento State President Alexander Gonzalez's office remodel has turned out to be more than $265,000--not the $165,000 originally quoted before the semester started. The discrepancy...

Dining violations reported at River Front

Christina Birdsall
May 13, 2003

A dead cockroach and insect parts were found in hot chocolate from La Creperie in the River Front Center, according to a formal complaint made to county health officials. Environmental Health Specialist...

Students protest tuition boost at Capitol

Christina Birdsall
February 26, 2003

Over 150 students representing the CSU system's 23 universities rallied together in the rain on the west steps of the Capitol Monday to protest increasing student fees. The California State Student Association...

More women than men making the grade

Christina Birdsall
February 5, 2003

Recently compiled data for Sacramento State has shown that a higher percentage of women are graduating than men. Statistics from the Department of Institutional Research show that female first-time freshmen...

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