Garry Singh, staff writer
Gurneet (Garry) Singh joined The State Hornet spring 2019 and is now a multimedia staffer, sports beat writer and podcaster. Garry is from Sacramento and is majoring in business and minoring in journalism. He is also station manager at KSSU, the CSUS student-run radio station, where he has his own weekly radio show. Garry received fifth place “Best of Show” award at ACP/CMA 2020 Fall National College Journalism Convention for broadcast news story.
Mack Ervin III, podcast editor
Mack Ervin III is the podcast editor for The State Hornet. He is a senior who joined back in fall 2019 and has previously served as football beat writer and multimedia reporter. A double major in journalism and communications, he is also an avid sports, racing and video game enthusiast.