CRIME MAP: Assault/Battery at Upper Eastside Lofts near Sac State

Campus crime map for the week ending on May 1

Erick Salgado

Every week The State Hornet compiles crimes recorded in the campus crime log into a map detailing their location and current status.

Only one crime was reported in the Sacramento State Police Department’s crime log for the week ending on May 2.

There was a report of assault/battery at the Upper Eastside Lofts near Sac State.


Location: Upper Eastside Lofts

Reported on: April 26 at 3:11 a.m.

Description: Report of a male and female in an argument. The female was kicked by the male. She did not have any life-threatening injuries. The male subject fled the area. Occurred on April 26, around 3 a.m.

Status: Open Case