NEWS PODCAST: Assembly Bill 2023 and deadnaming in the classroom
Photo courtesy of Lauren Pulido
Sac State alumnus Lauren Pulido currently works for the state legislature. Pulido appeared on this episode of the News Podcast to discuss Assembly Bill 2023.
April 27, 2020
On this episode of The State Hornet’s News Podcast, our diversity and identity beat writer Kayleen Carter interviewed Lauren Pulido, a class of 2019 alumnus who now works at the state legislature, about AB 2023. If passed, the bill would allow transgender and nonbinary students to use their preferred names on their diplomas. Carter and Pulido also discuss the effects of “deadnaming” — when a trans person is referred to by the name they no longer use, either on accident or maliciously — on trans students in the classroom.
RELATED: ‘It’s called a deadname for a reason’: Sac State LGBTQ+ students on importance of preferred names
Music: Cover Affair by Kevin MacLeod (