Sac State parking permit costs increase by 2% next year

Dominic Vitiello – The State Hornet

Student parking permits will be increasing to $178 a semester next school year. The price increase is part of an annual 2% price increase to fund UTAPS.

Dominique Walker

Student parking permits will be increasing to $178 a semester and $231 for resident permits for the 2019 school year to pay for maintenance and operation.

This increase is part of an annual 2% increase to fund University Transportation and Parking Services that began in 2009, according to Jonathan Bowman, vice president of administration.

“UTAPS’ sole source of revenue for operations, construction and maintenance of parking facilities is from the sale of parking permits,” Bowman wrote in the SacSend.

Claudia Agbassekou, a fourth year sociology major, said she would rather park off campus and walk.

“I feel like already as college students are tight on finances, so for me I don’t really park on campus a lot because I don’t have that much money to spend,” Agbassekou said. “I feel like parking shouldn’t be something we stress over.”