Campus safety improved with new classroom lock installation

New locks already installed in Mendocino Hall

Will Coburn - The State Hornet

One of the new digital locks that has been recently added to Mendocino hall for added security. The upgraded locks are expected to be installed through the rest of the school over the next 24 months.

Jasmin Acosta

Sacramento State is improving campus safety by installing new locks on classroom doors, according to a 2019 Annual California Campus Safety Plan Report.

In accordance with the safety plan report, Sac State has already successfully tested and completed the new classroom lock installation in Mendocino Hall. Sac State plans to continue to replace existing locks in classrooms during the next 24 months.

“Mendocino Hall was used as a small test site to test the locks for function and suitability for use on campus,” said Daryn Ockey, facility operations director. “The first phase of this project will include 78 interdisciplinary classrooms across campus and should be complete around the end of this semester.”

According to the safety plan, the purpose of the new system is for students and faculty to be able to shelter in place and allow for a quicker lockdown. The new classroom locks are capable of being locked from within electronically or with a key, the report says.

“I think the school is doing a good job at keeping the campus safe,” said fashion merchandising and design major Sydney Phillips. “I think the devices being installed will let students know that the school is trying to be prepared for any threatening situation possible.”

The crime numbers available in the safety plan report show there was 174 thefts and 35 cases of destruction of property on campus in 2017.

Sac State’s Police Department has also created an Active Shooter Safety Video made available online through their website to expand access to active shooter training. The video details possible actions individuals can take if they come face to face with an active shooter scenario.

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Interior architecture major Rebecca Velasquez said she was concerned with the function of the new classroom locks for the safety of students in a lockdown scenario.

“The new locks installed can be scary, with the possibility of something failing and students getting stuck in classrooms when they want to leave or need to escape,” Velasquez said.

The report says enhanced lighting will be added to campus walkways and building exterior pathways, to continue to improve campus safety. Lighting surveys are conducted twice annually by Facilities Management to improve or repair various locations on campus.

Numerous emergency blue light phones on campus are also scheduled to be repaired and replaced as a safety precaution. As of 2018, there are 200 call stations located through campus including residential housing.