#SacStateSays: What is your opinion on the Kavanaugh hearings and the FBI investigations into allegations of sexual misconduct?
October 2, 2018
Sacramento State students watched as Brett Kavanaugh testified against Christine Blasey Ford, who claims she was sexually assaulted by Kavanaugh in high school, to the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday.
As the Judiciary Committee prepared to vote on Friday, Sen. Jeff Flake, R-AZ, made a declaration that he would vote to move Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Senate floor but wanted a one-week limited-scope FBI investigation into the allegations made by Ford and others. Following backing from Sen. Lisa Murkowski Republican Senate leaders and President Donald Trump agreed to Flake’s request and ordered an FBI investigation.
As a new week began on Monday and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell declared on the Senate floor that a vote would be held that week The State Hornet talked to Sac State students about their takes on the Kavanaugh hearings and the FBI investigation.
Want to give your take? Chime in using the hashtag #SacStateSays.
RELATED: Sac State political clubs weigh in on accusations against Kavanaugh