5 fulfilling recipes that will fill you up and save you money

Thomas Frey - The State Hornet

This stove-top recipe includes mushrooms, bell peppers, carrots and garlic — takes about 40 minutes to prepare.

Following the recent discovery of major health violations at the Servery at the Dining Commons, finding a nutritious and wholesome meal can be difficult for students living on a budget. For those who want to cook a meal for themselves, many recipes take too much time, too much effort or too much money.

Fear not; your search for the perfect meal ends here.

     RELATED: 3 major violations required second health inspection at The Servery

Below are six time-conscious and wallet-friendly dishes that will keep your mind sharp and your stomach quiet during class time.

Baked Goods: Low-carb deep dish pizza

Craving a pizza but don’t want to walk to Round Table? No problem. With only five ingredients and around 300 calories per serving, this bread-free, high-protein recipe is great for any late-night study session.

The 5-and-Dine: Stove-grilled quesadilla

It’s quick. It’s easy. It doesn’t even fall in the “green” portion of the difficulty meter. Throw a tortilla on a hot pan with the leftover cheese from your deep-dish pizza and you have a meal.

Stove-Top: Grilled chicken and vegetables

It may fall further on the complicated scale than a quick walk to the dining hall, but at least it’s safe to eat! Packed with protein and clean for consumption. If you’re preparing for multiple meals at once, it might be necessary to double the vegetable recipe.

“What’s a stove?”: Microwave french toast in a cup

Who needs bacon and eggs when you have a microwave? This simple, 5-minute breakfast solution is a quick fix you can whip up in your dorm room. This ultra-portable meal is the perfect morning distraction to keep you awake during lecture.


No heat necessary: Ham and cheese “sushi” rolls

No burners open in the kitchen area? Who needs them! With the right ingredients and a half-decent knife, you can turn a cup of cream cheese and a few slices of deli meat into something worth eating. Add in a side of vegetables and you’ll be the creator of the next Bento Box.