Choose where your $64 goes

Editorial Graphic

State Hornet Staff

The Associated Students, Inc. elections are approaching and it is important to consider having the voice of students be recognized through the voting process.

Last year, Sacramento State had the largest voter turn out in the past 10 years with 15.1 percent of the student population participating in the elections. Although this was a good step forward, it was still a very low turnout.

Many changes have been made to the election code that help students as well as campaigners promote those who they feel should win in a way that is more reflective of the modern way campaigns are run. Students can participate in this process by using their own social media presence to learn more about candidates and promote who they think is best.

It is extremely important to vote and make sure the student voice is heard through these elections. Each Sac State student pays a mandatory $64 fee to ASI every semester, so students should exercise their right to decide what happens with that money and who gets to direct where it goes.

By participating in this election and taking the time to vote through your My Sac State page from April 19-21, you can help decide the outcome of these elections.

With all the changes our campus has seen just in the last year alone, students have shown they have the power to alter the campus conversation. Continue this imperative trend by voting and telling your leaders what you and your campus needs.