Hornet Heartsaver event educates students on CPR
From left, Chris Elton, Ali Abrishami, and Mona Villamayor, during the Sacramento State, Hornet Heartsaver Event, Tuesday, Febuary 2, 2016. Elton shows, Abrishami and Villamayor the prober hand placement when attempting CPR.
February 2, 2016
The second annual Hornet Heartsaver event, Herky’s Heart Health Party, was hosted by the College of Continuing Education at the University Union Ballroom on Feb. 2.
The informative event was filled with different participants, music, free lunch and the opportunity of learning CPR techniques.
The event promoted awareness of CPR and was joined by a variety of participants such as the American Heart Association Authorized Training Center, Sigma Lambda Beta International Fraternity Inc., The WELL, California Nursing Students Association and Peak Adventures.
Angela Hafer, Training Center coordinator, explained how the importance of this event goes past the idea of students becoming CPR certified.
“This event spreads the word about our American Heart Association Training Center at Sacramento State and the importance of CPR,” Hafer said. “This event also starts the conversation among students and staff about CPR and about the possibility of saving a life.”
Sigma Lambda Beta International Fraternity Inc. were active participants at the event where various brothers’ of the fraternity acknowledged the strong connection that their organization has with the cause.
Eddy Raygoza, fourth-year kinesiology major and a brother of the fraternity, said he believes more people should attend events like this because of the education they provide.
“It’s good to at least be more aware of the importance of CPR and be conscious of how it can help someone save a life,” Raygoza said.
Rakiaya Mixon, a family studies major, said she believes that while this event is a chance for students to become more aware of what consists in the topic of CPR, she acknowledges the hard work of the organizers who put on the event.