New app hopes users get in Trebel

Claudia Rivas

Trebel Music is one of many apps and startups hoping to become popular in the new age of experiencing music.

Young people consume music daily in a world where streaming services and websites such as YouTube, Pandora, Sound Cloud and Spotify.

With these sites deterring people from buying music, startups and innovators such as Trebel are coming to help the physical music industry stay alive while contributing to the world in a new way.

According to Trebel, their smartphone music app is a bridge between social and functional.

This means that Trebel involves this: when users search, preview, download, and play music on their iOS or Android devices, the user earns virtual currency by consuming advertisements. This form of virtual currency then procures music uninterrupted by advertisements.

Trebel shows users top songs downloaded or played on most university campuses and not only plays music videos, but creates and allows users to share downloadable playlists with friends.

Trebel users may send and receive virtual currency to help fellow friends that have the app own songs as well.

Trebel Music proclaims itself as, “Music for millennials, by millennials.” Co-founder and M&M Media CEO Gary Mekikians explained that this is meant for a young generation.

“Treble is the epitome of a millennial project because two of our co-founders are millennials themselves,” said Mekikian.

He is referring to Trebel co-founders Juliette and Grace Mekikians. The two conceived the idea in hopes of providing an opportunity to create a safe and legal place for young people to download and listen to music, while delivering fair compensation to the artist community and enjoyment to the artists’ fan base without a costly consequence.

In 2014, M&M Media partnered with multiple music labels of various genres, piloting the music service at five university campuses under the direction of Product Chief, Corey Jones.

Starting in September of 2015, Trebel Music is being rolled out to select high schools and universities.

“The service hopes to expand to 3,000 campuses and 30,000 high schools by the end of 2016,” Jones said.

The intention of making the user consume advertisements may turn off potential users, however this may be due to the myth that all advertisements interfere with the experience of enjoying music.

“I wouldn’t try it if I wanted something free and simple,” said Sac State Bio-Chem junior and avid Spotify-free user, Junior Nunez. “The rules seem too intricate to follow and I am perfectly happy with my music sources free of advertisements right now.”

This obstacle proves to be a challenge for all music services today, especially when the slightest hint of an advertisement or even the term, turns audiences off.

However, Trebel is firm on clarifying that advertisements do not interfere with the experience, the advertisement actually help consumers. This is by including advertisements during the loading time of the music, and also rewarding members with virtual currency while waiting for the musical reward.

When asking Trebel to prove of how the app did at other universities, the company was unable to provide answers or data.

Though they did not provide statistics, Trebel did stress the importance of giving young people options and giving artists and fans to have a middle ground for experiencing music. The idea is that it allows people who want to pay a chance to do so, while giving those who cannot have the chance to listen as well.

“I would try it out if the right publicity was given. I do like the promo for Lyft, so that’s kind of cool,” said Sac State Bio-Medical junior and Pandora listener Arlin Duran.

Duran is talking about the partnerships between Trebel and Lyft. For first time users of Lyft utilizing an exclusive Trebel promo code will give the user access to a Lyft credit.

While Lyft is a well thought-out partnership, Trebel mentioned reaching out to other brands, that they cannot yet confirm, with the potential of working with them as a way to intrigue a following.

Trebel is a startup with room to grow. It is definitely an application that does have potential. Time will show whether the app confirms the wave of the future in experiencing music.

If interested in downloading Trebel, download the app here: