Transfer student orientation brings visibility to campus organizations
Carly Preston talks to students while at the Unique vendor table at the first transfer student orientation for the Fall 2015 semester on June 4, 2015 in the University Ballroom.
June 4, 2015
The first transfer student orientation at Sac State for the fall semester took place on Thursday June 4. Orientation is the time when transfer students take a tour, sign up for classes, and get their first chance to see the student life activities and resources that will be available to them.
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Various clubs and organizations come to orientation and set up information booths so that the new students can see and interact with them.
Debi Ornellas, who was tabling for the Parents and Families program, said that orientation was a valuable time to get information to new students.
“I know that there is a lot of information that comes across to the students during orientation and it can get lost but its really great to have at least a table so that we have a presence sot that they get to meet us. especially because our clientele is parents and family members so they’re not as overwhelmed with requirements and graduation requirements so we get the opportunity to just touch bases with the parents family members, community members, and just let them know that we exist and that we are here to help them. and so its really positive,” said Ornellas.
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Unique events also had a table at the orientation. Carly Preston, the student programs assistant, said that orientation is the time for Unique to get students interested in their program.
“It’s a really good opportunity to try to get out there and just at least introduce ourself to people ,” said Preston. “We get a lot of sign ups for people who are interested in being a volunteer in general, and sot they get very exited about tat opportunity and we get most of our sign ups actually are from orientation. so that makes a big difference in terms of actually getting volunteers to help out at events and work events.”
Orientations for new students for the fall semester will take place all summer until August 5.