Student government elections party reveals candidates for 2015-2016 academic year
Yajayra Gonzalez, left, talks with other members under the Vision slogan after she was elected president for Associated Students, Inc. All candidate positions will be effective for the 2015-2016 academic year.
April 22, 2015
The results party for the Associated Students, Inc. was held in the Epicure restaurant in the University Union on Wednesday evening.
The event kicked off at 7:30 p.m. with dinner being offered to anyone in attendance. A bingo game was also played with prizes handed out to winning participants.
There were 36 candidates running for 14 positions with ASI and only two positions were uncontested.
As the election results were announced, the candidates cheered, cried, hugged each other and shook hands.
The ASI president-elect, Yajayra Gonzalez, cried and hugged everyone around her when the results were announced. She said she was very excited to have participated in the process.
“I can’t describe it in words, it’s such an amazing feeling,” Gonzalez said. “I’m so proud of everyone here today, everyone did an amazing job. It was such an adventure, and if I could I would do it again.”
The ASI vice president-elect of Finance, Logan Rivera, was also congratulated by the people around him. He said he was happy to have participated with the other candidates that were running.
“Either way, I knew it was gonna be bittersweet, whether I won or whether I lost, but you know there’s a lot of good candidates,” Rivera said. “Everyone was extremely qualified and I’m just excited for the next year.”
Current ASI President Lauren Lombardo was in attendance and spoke to some of the candidates. Lombardo expressed her content with the outreach ASI has done for this election to achieve results.
“As you’ve seen, we’ve had the biggest voter turnout in ten years,” Lombardo said. “It’s amazing, its fantastic, it means that students were really engaged and they felt connected.”
Lombardo expressed her opinions on what she thinks the new ASI president and board will do for the students.
“I’ve served a year with Yajayra,” Lombardo said. “I’ve seen her as the director of Arts and Letters and I’m excited to see what she can do as the next ASI president. I’m excited to see where she takes the organization and what she thinks will be best for the students.”
Lisa Dalton, board associate for ASI, has been working to help the elections be a success and expressed her content with how the process has been carried out.
“I’m so impressed with how [the candidates] worked until the very last minute,” Dalton said. “[The elections] were just a great vibe.”
Results for all candidate positions can be found at