Bicycle riding for leisure is important

Kellie McCown

As the days get longer, so does the time spent on a bicycle. That doesn’t mean all long rides are exercise though. Cycling comes in all forms, and Sacramento has a lot to offer urban cyclists as well.

A lot of the time, cyclists are thinking about how fast they are riding, how many miles they are putting in and how they can beat their times on their next ride. The math, mental pressure and physical activity of it all can sometimes be too much. A day of fun riding, riding without expectations, is what every cyclist needs to stay sane.

Farmers markets, beer gardens and night rides are all common place in Sacramento. And in an environment that has motorists and cyclists at each other’s throats, going out for responsible pleasure rides bridges the gap between motorists, cyclists and bicycle commuters all trying to get to their destinations.

Despite the obvious reasons for rest days, or rest rides, it is always important to have fun while riding your bicycle. Adulthood is full of responsibilities, meetings and scheduling. It feels like life is constantly on the go. Fun is just as important to life as work, and adventure is just as good for the mind, body and soul as your annual physical checkup.

According to, depriving oneself from having fun has been linked to obesity, criminal activity, drug use and depression. An argument as to why this happens is the left side of the brain, the side responsible for logic, words and analytics, is working overtime, leaving the right side of the brain, the side responsible for creativity, dormant. The trick is balancing the two sides out.

The next time school, work and life seem to be closing in on all sides, The American River Parkway is in Sacramento’s back yard. Take a night ride. Farmer’s markets are on every corner, almost every day of the week. Hop on your bike and ride down. Coffee shops are plentiful, treat yourself to a ride and a latte. Ride responsibly to meet friends at a bar.

Bicycles, like life, are meant to be fun. Don’t let adulthood rob you of that sacred right. You always have the right to take time out for yourself, and just have fun.

Be fun, be seen, and ride on.