Tips to get you closer to your dreams
February 27, 2014
There is nothing wrong with having dreams that are larger than life, but sometimes reaching those goals can seem like a daunting task.
Even the smallest change in behavior can have an impact on the future.
Five tips to get you closer to your goals:
1. Do something spontaneous.
Sometimes just simply getting out of bed and going to the coffee shop alone can be greatly rewarding. Doing something different that you are not used to can completely change your perspective on life.
2. Tell a friends about your goals.
You are more likely to achieve something, big or small, if someone else – besides your pet – knows about it. Sharing your goals will not only feel better, but you will also have someone to hold you accountable to your dreams.
3.Steer clear of absolute words.
Everything is not always black and white. Do not use words like “never,” “always,” “everybody” and “nobody.” Often times there is an exception to the absolute way of thinking. If you are “never” feeling inspired try looking somewhere new for inspiration.
4. Do not stress over things you cannot change.
In life there will always be things to worry about, but if you cannot change them, do not dwell on it. Following your dreams becomes easier when you shrug off the small stuff and keep it moving. It is what it is.
5. Think about your hopes and dreams daily.
Thinking about your goals daily makes them more likely to come true because you will be consciously making steps to achieve them. Even the smallest step is worth the time.
“Don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.”
Muhammad Ali